Class FilterExtension

    • Constructor Detail

      • FilterExtension

        public FilterExtension​(IOnLoadFilter recordingLoadFilter)
    • Method Detail

      • getEventSinkFactory

        public IEventSinkFactory getEventSinkFactory​(IEventSinkFactory subFactory)
        Description copied from interface: IParserExtension
        Get a new event sink factory for use during the reading of one Flight Recording.

        Note that it is the implementor's responsibility to make sure that the subfactory is used by the event sink factory. If the IEventSinkFactory.create call is not chained to the subfactory, then events will be lost.

        Specified by:
        getEventSinkFactory in interface IParserExtension
        subFactory - Subfactory to nest. Events created by the returned factory will normally be passed on to sinks created by the nested subfactory.
        a new event sink factory
      • getValueInterpretation

        public String getValueInterpretation​(String eventTypeId,
                                             String fieldId)
        Description copied from interface: IParserExtension
        Override the value interpretation. If not overridden the values types are automatically selected from the read metadata. This is only used for a special case in Mission Control code so normally null should be returned.
        Specified by:
        getValueInterpretation in interface IParserExtension
        eventTypeId - event type ID to get interpretation for
        fieldId - field ID within the event type to get interpretation for
        the identifier of the value interpretation or null to use the default interpretation