Class StacktraceTreeModel

  • public class StacktraceTreeModel
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • StacktraceTreeModel

        public StacktraceTreeModel​(IItemCollection items)
        Builds a StacktraceTreeModel from a given collection of events with defaults: frame separator METHOD, the thread root at the top and no value attribute (uses counts).
        items - the data we want to represent.
      • StacktraceTreeModel

        public StacktraceTreeModel​(IItemCollection items,
                                   FrameSeparator frameSeparator)
        Builds a StacktraceTreeModel from a given collection of events with defaults: the thread root at the top and no value attribute (uses counts).
        items - the data we want to represent.
        frameSeparator - defines what represents a node in the tree. Defaults to METHOD.
      • StacktraceTreeModel

        public StacktraceTreeModel​(IItemCollection items,
                                   FrameSeparator frameSeparator,
                                   boolean invertedStacks)
        Builds a StacktraceTreeModel from a given collection of events with no attribute specified (uses occurrences to determine node weight).
        items - the data we want to represent.
        frameSeparator - defines what represents a node in the tree. Defaults to METHOD.
        invertedStacks - defines how the stacks are aggregated. Defaults to false (i.e. bottom-up, at the root of the tree).
      • StacktraceTreeModel

        public StacktraceTreeModel​(IItemCollection items,
                                   FrameSeparator frameSeparator,
                                   boolean invertedStacks,
                                   IAttribute<IQuantity> attribute)
        Builds a StacktraceTreeModel from a given collection of events.
        items - the data we want to represent.
        frameSeparator - defines what represents a node in the tree. Defaults to METHOD.
        invertedStacks - defines how the stacks are aggregated. Defaults to false (i.e. bottom-up, at the root of the tree).
        attribute - defines what we use as node weights. If null, the weight is the number of occurrences for the frame.
    • Method Detail

      • getRoot

        public Node getRoot()
        the root node of the tree.
      • getItems

        public IItemCollection getItems()
        the source data set.