Class DiscoveryEvent

  • public final class DiscoveryEvent
    extends Object
    A discovery event. These are triggered from the JDPClient when a Discoverable is FOUND, LOST or CHANGED.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DiscoveryEvent

        public DiscoveryEvent​(DiscoveryEvent.Kind kind,
                              Discoverable discoverable)
        kind - the type of discovery that was made.
        discoverable - what was discovered.
    • Method Detail

      • getKind

        public DiscoveryEvent.Kind getKind()
        The kind of discovery. The discoverable was either FOUND, LOST or CHANGED.
        kind of discovery. The discoverable was either FOUND, LOST or CHANGED.
      • getDiscoverable

        public Discoverable getDiscoverable()
        the discoverable for which the status was updated.