Command Line Options for Off-Card Verifier Tools

The verifycap, verifyexp, and verifyrev, off-card verifier tools share many of the same command line options. The only exceptions are the -package, -outfile, -digest, and -target options that are available for verifycap only.

These options exhibit the same behavior regardless of the tool that calls them.

Table 9-3 verifycap, verifyexp, verifyrev Command Line Options

Option Description


Prints help message.


Suppresses banner message.


Suppresses warning messages.

-package <package name>

(Available for verifycap only) Sets the name of the package to be verified.


(Available for verifycap only) Specifies the name of the output file to store the digest (default: no output file created).


(Available for verifycap only) Specifies the digest to use (default: SHA-256)


(Available for verifycap only) Specifies the target platform (3.0.4, 3.0.5 or 3.1.0).

When a target is specified, the verifier automatically uses an internal copy of the export files corresponding to the specified version and ignores the export files for platform packages provided on the command line. This ensures that the correct version of export files is used and allows the verifier to detect some binary incompatibility issues when extending some of the platform classes or interfaces on versions 3.0.4 and 3.0.5 of the platform.

Note that using this option to specify the target still requires that you provide the export files for all other packages used by the CAP file. If no target is specified, the export files for all the packages used by the CAP file must be provided on the command line.


Enables verbose mode.


Prints version number and exit.

-C command-options-file


--commandoptionsfile command-options-file

Optional. Specifies a file containing command-line options.