Configuring Sample_Platform and Sample_Device

When you create a Java Card project in Eclipse, you must identify the platform, which is the location of the development kit, and provide settings for the device that the simulator will create. You may have more than one simulated device associated with a platform.

When you start Eclipse with the plug-in installed, the plug-in creates
  • Sample_Platform, which points to the directory that is set in the JC_HOME_SIMULATOR environment variable, and

  • Sample_Device, which contains the settings for cref (the simulator).

Sample_Platform and Sample_Device are used for running samples, but you can use them for your own programs too. If they are not created successfully, create them manually using the instructions below.

To change the directory of the Java Card platform or the device settings for a project:

  1. In Eclipse, from the Window menu, select Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences dialog, click on the arrow to the left of Java Card Platforms.
  3. Now you can select Java Card Platforms to add, delete or update platforms, and Java Card Devices to add, delete or update the simulated device settings.