Creating a Java Card Project Using the New Java Card Project Wizard

To create a new Java Card Project, based on a default template, use the New Java Card Project wizard:
  1. Click the File menu, and then select New and Other….
  2. In the Other… dialog, under Oracle Java Card SDK, select Java Card Project.
  3. In the first page of the wizard, configure the following Java Card specific sections:
    • Runtime Environment - Select the Java Card Platform that you want to use in the project. The platform and devices are selected from the existing configuration. If you have not configured the platform and devices, you can use a link that opens the platform and devices settings page. If you are using the Oracle Java Card Simulator source bundle, an option to add the Java Card API source files to the project for API debugging is available.
    • Java Card Tools - Configure the Java Card tools bundle path, if not configured already.
    • Application - Configure a Java Card package and/or applet with names and AIDs. When an applet is configured, a default Applet source template is created.
  4. Click Finish.
    A new Java Card project is created in the workspace containing the default CAP file configuration. However, this is valid only if the application is configured in Step 3. The API source files are added as linked sources in the build path if this option is selected in Step 3.

Changing the Runtime Environment for the Java Card Project

To change the runtime environment:
  1. Right-click on the Java Card project and select Java Card and Runtime Setting.
  2. Select a platform from the Platform section. If a platform is not configured, click the link that opens the Java Card platforms and device global settings pages.
  3. In the Device section, select a configured device for the selected platform. If a device is not configured, click the link that opens the Java Card platforms and device global settings page.