Running the Wallet Sample from the Command Line

To run the Wallet sample:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window and perform the following:

    1. Navigate to the JC_HOME_SIMULATOR\bin directory.

    2. Start the simulator by entering the following command at the command prompt:



      cref command options are not required in this sample.

  2. Open a second Command Prompt window and perform the following:

    1. Set ANT_HOME (path to ant install folder), JC_HOME_TOOLS and JC_HOME_SIMULATOR (path to JCDK install folder) as environment variables.

    2. Navigate to the JC_HOME_SIMULATOR\samples\classic_applets\Wallet\applet directory.

    3. Enter the ant all command at the command prompt.

      In this sample, the ant all command builds the applet, executes the APDU script, and creates an output file in the applet directory. The ant script names the output file either default.out or the custom name specified in the command line. To specify a custom name for the output file, use the following command:

      ant -Dredirect.output=outputfile_name target

      In this command, outputfile_name represents the name of the output file and target represents either the all or run options of the ant command. In this case, the all target is used. This command redirects the output from the APDUtool execution to the outputfile_name file.

  3. Verify that the contents of the output file in the applet directory are the same as the contents of the wallet.expected.out file.