Class OwnerPINBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • buildOwnerPIN

        public static PIN buildOwnerPIN​(byte tryLimit,
                                        byte maxPINSize,
                                        byte ownerPINType)
                                 throws PINException
        Creates a new PIN instance of the requested type, maximum allowed PIN size and tries limit, and with the validated flag initially set to false.
        tryLimit - the maximum number of times an incorrect PIN can be presented; tryLimit must be >=1.
        maxPINSize - the maximum allowed PIN size; maxPINSize must be >=1.
        ownerPINType - the requested Owner PIN type. Valid codes listed in OWNER_* constants in this class e.g. OWNER_PIN_X.
        a new PIN instance.
        PINException - with the following reason codes:
        • ILLEGAL_VALUE if tryLimit or maxPINSize is less than 1 or if ownerPINType is not one of the defined valid codes.
        SystemException - with the following reason codes:
        • ILLEGAL_USE if the PIN type ownerPINType is not implemented.