Interface HMACKey

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Key, SecretKey

    public interface HMACKey
    extends SecretKey
    HMACKey contains a key for HMAC operations. This key can be of any length, but it is strongly recommended that the key is not shorter than the byte length of the hash output used in the HMAC implementation. Keys with length greater than the hash block length are first hashed with the hash algorithm used for the HMAC implementation.

    Implementations must support an HMAC key length equal to the length of the supported hash algorithm block size (e.g 64 bytes for SHA-1)

    When the key data is set, the key is initialized and ready for use.

    See Also:
    KeyBuilder, Signature, javacardx.crypto.Cipher, javacardx.crypto.KeyEncryption
    • Method Detail

      • setKey

        void setKey​(byte[] keyData,
                    short kOff,
                    short kLen)
             throws CryptoException,
        Sets the Key data. Input key data is copied into the internal representation.


        • If the key object implements the javacardx.crypto.KeyEncryption interface and the Cipher object specified via setKeyCipher() is not null, keyData is decrypted using the Cipher object.
        • The kLen parameter (expressed in bytes) is the length of the key initialization data and can be smaller or equal to the capacity of the key. The capacity of the key is the length returned by Key.getSize() (expressed in bits) which has been requested when calling KeyBuilder.buildKey(byte, short, boolean) or KeyBuilder.buildKey(byte, byte, short, boolean) methods. The klen parameter will be the length of the retrieved data when calling getKey(byte[], short).

        keyData - byte array containing key initialization data
        kOff - offset within keyData to start
        kLen - the byte length of the key initialization data
        CryptoException - with the following reason code:
        • CryptoException.ILLEGAL_VALUE if the kLen parameter is 0 or invalid or if the keyData parameter is inconsistent with the key length or if input data decryption is required and fails.
        ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if kOff is negative or the keyData array is too short
        NullPointerException - if the keyData parameter is null
      • getKey

        byte getKey​(byte[] keyData,
                    short kOff)
        Returns the Key data in plain text.


        keyData - byte array to return key data
        kOff - offset within keyData to start
        the byte length of the key data returned
        CryptoException - with the following reason code:
        • CryptoException.UNINITIALIZED_KEY if the key data has not been successfully initialized since the time the initialized state of the key was set to false.
        See Also: