Interface KDFCounterModeSpec

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface KDFCounterModeSpec
    extends AlgorithmParameterSpec
    This interface specifies the set of parameters used to instantiate a DerivationFunction implementing KDF in Counter Mode defined in NIST SP 800-108 (Recommendation for Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom Functions).

    This interface is bound to the constant DerivationFunction.ALG_KDF_COUNTER_MODE.

    NIST SP800-108 allows for alternative orderings of the counter location and fixed input data. The supported format is as follow: K(i) := PRF (KI, {fixedDataBeforeCounter} || [i]2 || {fixedDataAfterCounter}) as referred in NIST SP 800-108 Validation System (KBKDFVS).

    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getSecret

        SecretKey getSecret()
        Gets the secret value for the key derivation function. The key type must match the one involved in the PRF algorithm.
        the secret value
      • getInputDataBeforeCounter

        byte[] getInputDataBeforeCounter()
        Gets the fixed input data before the counter.

        It may be an array view. It may be null.

        the fixed input data part before the counter value.
      • getInputDataAfterCounter

        byte[] getInputDataAfterCounter()
        Gets the fixed input data after the counter.

        It may be an array view. It may be null.

        the fixed input data part after the counter value.
      • getCounterLength

        short getCounterLength()
        Returns the bytes length of the binary representation of the counter (c.f chapter 5.1 of the NIST specification). Must be 1, 2, 3 or 4.
        the length of the binary representation of the counter.