Interface OwnerBioTemplateData

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface OwnerBioTemplateData
    extends BioTemplateData
    The OwnerBioTemplateData interface should be implemented by the applet which owns the Biometric Template Data containers. It extends the BioTemplateData interface and adds functionality to enroll a Biometric Template Data.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void clear()
      Clears the template and set its initialized state to false i.e.
      void doFinal()
      Finalizes the enrollment of biometric template data.
      void init​(byte[] bArray, short offset, short length)
      Initializes the enrollment of biometric template data.
      void update​(byte[] bArray, short offset, short length)
      Continues the enrollment of biometric template data.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(byte[] bArray,
                  short offset,
                  short length)
           throws Bio1toNException
        Initializes the enrollment of biometric template data. This method is also used to update biometric template data and will restart an initialization sequence.


        • A call to this method does not complete the initialization. A correct enrollment sequence is : init, [update,] doFinal. Calling init and doFinal is mandatory, calling update is optional. A call to BioTemplateData.isInitialized() will return true only if the enrollment sequence is completed.
        • The template format verification may occur during any step of the enrollment sequence or may only be performed when fully received in doFinal call.

        bArray - byte array containing the biometric template data
        offset - starting offset in the bArray
        length - byte length of the template data in the bArray
        Bio1toNException - with the following reason codes:
      • update

        void update​(byte[] bArray,
                    short offset,
                    short length)
             throws Bio1toNException
        Continues the enrollment of biometric template data. This method should only be used if all the input data required for enrollment is not available in one byte array. It can be called several times.


        • A correct enrollment sequence is : init,[update],doFinal. Calling init and doFinal is mandatory, calling update is optional.
        • The template format verification may occur during any step of the enrollment sequence or may only be performed when fully received in doFinal call.

        bArray - byte array containing the biometric template data
        offset - starting offset in the bArray
        length - byte length of the biometric template data in the bArray
        Bio1toNException - with the following reason codes:
      • doFinal

        void doFinal()
              throws Bio1toNException
        Finalizes the enrollment of biometric template data. Final action of enrollment is to designate a biometric template data as being complete and ready for use (marks the reference as initialized). This routine may also include some error checking prior to the validation of biometric template data as ready for use.


        • A correct enrollment sequence is : init, [update], doFinal. Calling init and doFinal is mandatory, calling update is optional.
        • The template format verification may occur during any step of the enrollment sequence or may only be performed when fully received in doFinal call.

        Bio1toNException - with the following reason codes:
        • Bio1toNException.ILLEGAL_USE if the biometric template data is already initialized or the current enrollment state doesn't expect this method.
        • Bio1toNException.INVALID_DATA if the submitted biometric template data does not have the required format.
      • clear

        void clear()
        Clears the template and set its initialized state to false i.e. isInitialized() must return false.