Interface TLSKDFExpandLabelSpec

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static short LABEL_PREFIX_DTLS13
      References the label prefix "dtls13" defined in DTLS 1.3 - IETF RFC 9147.
      static short LABEL_PREFIX_TLS13
      References the label prefix "tls13 " defined in TLS 1.3 - IETF RFC 8446.
    • Field Detail


        static final short LABEL_PREFIX_TLS13
        References the label prefix "tls13 " defined in TLS 1.3 - IETF RFC 8446. It is a value that can be returned by the method getLabelPrefix().
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final short LABEL_PREFIX_DTLS13
        References the label prefix "dtls13" defined in DTLS 1.3 - IETF RFC 9147. It is a value that can be returned by the method getLabelPrefix().
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getSecret

        byte[] getSecret()
        Gets the secret value for the key derivation function.

        It may be an array view.

        the secret value
      • getLabel

        byte[] getLabel()
        Gets the label.

        It may be an array view. It may be null.

        the label
      • getContext

        byte[] getContext()
        Gets the context.

        It may be an array view. It may be null.

        the context