Adding a Java Card Static Resource to a CAP File

With Java Card, Version 3.1.0 and later, you can add static resources to a CAP file while loading.

To add a Java Card static resource to a CAP file:
  1. Right-click on the Java Card project and select Java Card and CAP Files Settings.
  2. In the Java Card CAP Files page, select a CAP file from the list.
  3. Click Add new static resource.
  4. In the Configure Java Card static resource dialog, configure the converter tool static resource-specific parameters:
    1. In the Static Resource ID field, enter a unique integer number.
    2. In the Static Resource file path section, click Browse… and select the file that you want to add as a static resource to a CAP file. If the path is inside the project, a relative path is generated.
  5. Click OK.

    The Configure Java Card static resource dialog closes, the CAP file configuration is updated, and the project is rebuilt.

Managing Java Card Static Resources

To manage Java Card static resources list added to a CAP file, and to edit the Java Card static resource, use the CAP file project settings:

  1. Right-click on the Java Card project and select Java Card and CAP Files Setting.
  2. In the CAP Files Settings page, click the arrow to the left of the Java Card CAP Files.
  3. Select Java Card Static Resources.

    A list with static resources appears.

  4. Select a CAP file from the combo list.
    The list is populated with Java Card static resources configured for the selected CAP file.
  5. To manage the Java Card static resources configured for the selected CAP file, perform the following tasks:
    1. Click Add to add a new Java Card static resource to the selected CAP file.
    2. Click Edit to edit an already configured Java Card static resource.
    3. Click Delete to delete a Java Card static resource from the selected CAP file.