Communication Options Between Host and Java Card Simulator

This section desribes the communication options between the host and the Java Card Simulator

The Java Card Simulator receives messages over network sockets (see the Java Card Development Kit Simulator Command Line section for information on how to configure the port number).

  • Communication from client software running on Windows
    • The client application could use the java.smartcardio module in combination with the%JC_HOME_SIMULATOR%\client\COMService\socketprovider.jar library to communicate directly over IP sockets
  • Communication from client software running on Linux
    • The client application could use the java.smartcardio module in combination with the $JC_HOME_SIMULATOR/client/COMService/socketprovider.jar library to communicate directly over IP sockets
    • Alternatively, the client application could use PCSC-Lite in combination with our IFDHandler ($JC_HOME_SIMULATOR/drivers/IFDHandler/ to send APDUs over PC/SC.

      These APDUs will be automatically forwarded by the IFDHandler to the simulator over IP socket

For more details on how to use socketprovider.jar and java.smartcardio, refer to examples provided in the section Running Samples).

Details can be found in the script / batch files of the examples (for command line usage) and in the Eclipse launch configuration files as well.

For documentation of Java module java.smartcardio refer to: