Configuring Sample_Device

These are the steps to configure the Sample_Device:

  1. In Eclipse, from the Window menu, select Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences dialog, click on the arrow to the left of Java Card Platforms and select Java Card Devices.
  3. Check that Sample_Platform is selected in the upper combo box.
  4. Select Sample_Device.
  5. Press Edit... button.
  6. Upon first use, you will notice an error below the dialog title because the Configuration file is not specified. A valid Configuration file must be entered in the Config file: field. A template file can be found here: <absolute-path-to-jc-simulator>/samples/ This file is also used by the samples (refer to the How to Run the Samples section) and has to be modified to also include:

    The configuration file must at least contain the following entries:


    For example, the following entries match the information in the example provided in Configuring the Java Card Development Kit Simulator when the simulator is provisioned for the first time.

  7. Press OK button.


Sometimes the Device Properties window displays an error about "Device Unique ID". This can be fixed by closing the window, then reloading the JavaCard View and re-opening Device Properties. JavaCard View can be reloaded by the 'Reload the view' button from View toolbar or by right-clicking on the top tree item and then selecting the Reload menu.