Installer Components and Data Flow

The following illustration shows the components of the installer and how they interact with the other parts of Java Card technology.

The off-card installer is any application that is Global Platform (GP) compliant and supports SCP 03. The following description displays the usage of the AMService API from the stand-alone Java client applcation. In the case of the JCDK simulator, the on-card installer is also a GP ISD.

For more information about the installer, see the Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, Classic Edition, Version 3.2.

Figure 5-1 Installed Components Data Flow

Installed Components data flow

The data flow of the installation process is as follows:

  1. The GP SCP03 client application takes the CAP file produced by the Converter and send the CAP file as APDU commands to the GP ISD.

  2. The GP ISD installer processes the CAP file contents enveloped in the APDU commands, sends a response APDU containing a status and, optionally, the response data.