Running the ArrayViews Sample in Eclipse

Run the ArrayViews sample using the Java client application.

Start Eclipse. Sample_Platform and Sample_Device must have already been created.
  1. Using the File menu, select Import > General > Projects from Folder or Archive and select the applet directory from the ArrayViews project to import the Channels Java Card project into your workspace. If the build doesn't start automatically, start it manually.

    The build puts the output from the converter (cap, jca, and exp) files in the deliverables directory.

  2. Using the File menu, select Import > General > Projects from Folder or Archive, and select the client directory from the ArrayViews project, to import the ArrayView Java client into your workspace.
  3. If you do not see the Java Card view, go to the Window menu, select ShowView > Other... In the list, expand Oracle Java Card SDK and select Java Card view.
  4. In the Java Card view, right-click on Sample_Device and select Start. The Simulator starts and you can see the output in the Console view.
  5. Using the File menu, select Import > Run/Debug > Launch Configurations, select the ArrayViews sample directory and check the file ArrayViews.launch to import the ArrayViews Java client launch configuration into Eclipse.
  6. Using the Run menu, select Run Configurations … or Debug Configurations ... to run or debug the imported ArrayViews configuration.