Contents of the Development Kit Simulator

This release of the Java Card Development Kit Simulator contains Java Card simulation environment.

The following table describes the files and directories that are installed in the root installation directory (JC_HOME_SIMULATOR).

Directory/File Description


Contains client components: an application management service API (AMService.jar file and javadoc documentation), a communication smartcardio API (socketprovider.jar file) and a debugger proxy (jc-debug-proxy.jar file) to manage, communicate, and debug Java Card applications.


It is only for the Linux version. It contains the IFDHandler ( for PCSCLite allowing an application to communicate with the Java Card Development Kit Simulator based on PC/SC.


Contains license files.


Contains the Java Card Development Kit Simulator binary executable.


Contains sample applets and applications.


Contains a tool to configure the Java Card Development Kit Simulator (Configurator.jar) with a secure channel protocol key set and a Global PIN.