
Java Card technology enables secure elements, such as smart cards and other tamper-resistant security chips to host applications called applets, which employ Java technology.

Java Card technology offers a secure and interoperable execution platform that can store and update multiple applications on a single resource constrained device, while retaining the highest certification levels and compatibility with standards. Java Card developers can build, test, and deploy applications and services rapidly and securely. This accelerated process reduces development costs, increases product differentiation, and enhances value to the customers.

The Java Card Development Kit is a suite of components and tools for designing implementations of Java Card technology and developing applets based on the Java Card Specifications. It is available as three independent downloads:

  • The Java Card Development Kit Simulator offers a runtime reference for Java Card applications.
  • The Java Card Development Kit Tools are used to convert and verify Java Card applications.
  • The Java Card Development Kit Eclipse plug-in offers an easy path for developing, testing and debugging Java Card applications.

Together, these three downloads provide a complete, stand-alone development environment in which applications written for the Java Card platform can be developed and tested.

These release notes describe the Java Card Development Kit Simulator, Version 24.0, which is based on version 3.2 of the Java Card Platform Specifications.