Input File Naming Conventions

The input files for the Converter are Java class files named with the .class suffix. Generally, there are several class files making up a package. All the class files for a package must be located in the same directory under the root directory, following the Java programming language naming conventions. In the compact mode, the root directory can be set from the command line using the -classdir option. If this option is not specified, the root directory defaults to the directory from which the user invoked the Converter. In the extended mode, the root directory can be set from the JSON configuration file using the baseDir field. This is set for each package contained in the extended CAP file. If the field is not specified for a specific package, the root directory for that package defaults to the directory in which the JSON configuration file resides.

Suppose, for example, you want to convert the package java.lang. If you use the -classdir flag to specify the root directory as /home/mywork (Unix/Linux OS) or C:\mywork (Windows OS), the command line is:

converter.[sh|bat] -classdir [/home/mywork|C:\mywork] java.lang package_AID package_version

where package_AID is the application ID of the package and package_version is the user-defined version of the package.

If you use the baseDir field to specify the root directory as /home/mywork or C:\mywork, the JSON field looks like this: "baseDir":"/home/mywork for Unix/Linux OS or "baseDir":"C:\\mywork" for Windows OS

The Converter looks for all class files in the java.lang package in the directory /home/mywork/java/lang on Unix/Linux OS or C:\mywork\java\lang on Windows OS.