Running verifyrev

The file to invoke verifyrev is a shell scrpt/batch file (verifyrev.[sh|bat]) that must be run from a working directory of [ $JC_HOME_TOOLS/bin | %JC_HOME_TOOLS%\bin] in order for the code to execute properly.

To run verifyrev:

  1. Enter the following command:

    verifyrev.[sh|bat] [options] export-file export-file

    The first export-file argument on the command line represents the fully qualified path of the export files to be compared, while the second export file name must be the same as the first one with a different path, for example (for Unix/Linux OS replace \ with / ):

    verifyrev.bat d:\testing\old\crypto.exp d:\testing\new\crypto.exp

Command Line Options for Off-Card Verifier Tools describes additional command-line options for the off-card verifier tools.