Using a Command Configuration File in Compact Mode

Instead of entering all of the command line arguments and options on the command line, you can include them in a text-format configuration file. This is convenient if you frequently use the same set of arguments and options.

To use a command configuration file:

  1. Enter the command line arguments and options in a text-format configuration file.
  2. Use double quote (") delimiters for the command line options that require arguments in the configuration file.

    You must use double quote (") delimiters for the command line options that require arguments in the configuration file. For example, if the options from the command line example used in Using Delimiters with Command Line Options were placed in a configuration file, the result would look like this:

    converter.[sh|bat] -target 3.0.5 -exportpath [“./export files”:. | “.\export files”;.] MyWallet 0xa0:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x62:0x12:0x34 1.0

  3. Specify the configuration file in the command line when you run the Converter.

    The syntax to specify a configuration file is:

    converter.[sh | bat] –config configuration file name

    The configurationfile name argument contains the file path and file name of the configuration file.

    If the name of the configuration file has the .json extension, the extended mode is activated, else the compact mode is used.