Verification of Input and Output Files

By default, the Converter invokes the Java Card technology-based off-card verifier ("Java Card off-card verifier") for every input EXP file and on the output CAP and EXP files.

  • If any of the input EXP files do not pass verification, then no output files are created.

  • If the output CAP or EXP files do not pass verification, then the output EXP and CAP files are deleted.

If you want to bypass verification of your input and output files, use the -noverify command line option or set the noverify field in the JSON configuration file to true. Note that if the Converter finds any errors, output files are not produced.


When using the Java Card off-card verifier to verify an extended CAP file, all EXP files that are required by the packages and are present inside the extended CAP file, must pass the verification.