2 Event Metadata

The example SetMetadataSample.java defines an event named com.oracle.Hello and sets the annotations @Name, @Description, @Label, and @Category. (Note that this sample is in the package frexamples.)

package frexamples;

import jdk.jfr.Category;
import jdk.jfr.Description;
import jdk.jfr.Event;
import jdk.jfr.Label;
import jdk.jfr.Name;

public class SetMetadataSample {

    @Label("Set Metadata Example")
    @Description("Demonstrates how to set the annotations "
        + "@Name, @Description, @Label, and @Category")
    @Category({ "Demonstration", "Tutorial" })
    static class Hello extends Event {
        String message;

    public static void main(String... args) {
        Hello event = new Hello();
        event.message = "Hello Event!";

Ensure that the example is in a directory named frexamples, then run SetMetadataSample from this directory with the following commands:

java -XX:StartFlightRecording:filename=sm.jfr SetMetadataSample.java
jfr print --events Hello sm.jfr

The last command prints output similar to the following:

com.oracle.Hello {
  startTime = 23:43:48.444
  duration = 0.0177 ms
  message = "Hello Event!"

You can also use the jfr print command to filter events that belong to one or more categories:

jfr print --categories Demonstration sm.jfr

The @Name annotation overrides the default name for an event type. For example, the default name for the event created in this example would have been frexamples.SetMetadataSample$Hello if the @Name annotation hadn't been set. See Guidelines for Naming Events.

The @Description and @Label annotations enable to you add additional information about an event type. Note that you shouldn't use @Label as an identifier; use the @Name annotation instead. See Guidelines for Labeling Events

The @Category annotation enables you to associate one or more categories with an event type. To specify one category, use a string. To specify more than one category, use a comma-separated list of strings surrounded by braces ({}). See Categories.