Deprecation in the JDK

Deprecation is a notification to library consumers that they should migrate code from a deprecated API.

In the JDK, APIs have been deprecated for widely varying reasons, such as:
  • The API is dangerous (for example, the Thread.stop method).

  • There is a simple rename (for example, AWT replaced by setVisible).

  • A newer, better API can be used instead.

  • The API is going to be removed.

In prior releases, APIs were deprecated but rarely ever removed. Starting with JDK 9, APIs may be marked as deprecated for removal. This indicates that the API is eligible to be removed in the next release of the JDK platform. If your application or library consumes any of these APIs, then you should plan to migrate from them soon.

For a list of deprecated APIs in the current release of the JDK, see the Deprecated API page in the API specification.