Module java.desktop
Package java.awt

Class GradientPaint

All Implemented Interfaces:
Paint, Transparency

public class GradientPaint extends Object implements Paint
The GradientPaint class provides a way to fill a Shape with a linear color gradient pattern. If Point P1 with Color C1 and Point P2 with Color C2 are specified in user space, the Color on the P1, P2 connecting line is proportionally changed from C1 to C2. Any point P not on the extended P1, P2 connecting line has the color of the point P' that is the perpendicular projection of P on the extended P1, P2 connecting line. Points on the extended line outside of the P1, P2 segment can be colored in one of two ways.
  • If the gradient is cyclic then the points on the extended P1, P2 connecting line cycle back and forth between the colors C1 and C2.
  • If the gradient is acyclic then points on the P1 side of the segment have the constant Color C1 while points on the P2 side have the constant Color C2.
See Also: