Module java.desktop

Interface InputMethodRequests

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface InputMethodRequests
InputMethodRequests defines the requests that a text editing component has to handle in order to work with input methods. The component can implement this interface itself or use a separate object that implements it. The object implementing this interface must be returned from the component's getInputMethodRequests method.

The text editing component also has to provide an input method event listener.

The interface is designed to support one of two input user interfaces:

  • on-the-spot input, where the composed text is displayed as part of the text component's text body.
  • below-the-spot input, where the composed text is displayed in a separate composition window just below the insertion point where the text will be inserted when it is committed. Note that, if text is selected within the component's text body, this text will be replaced by the committed text upon commitment; therefore it is not considered part of the context that the text is input into.

See Also: