Module java.desktop
Package javax.imageio

Class ImageWriteParam

Direct Known Subclasses:
BMPImageWriteParam, JPEGImageWriteParam

public class ImageWriteParam extends IIOParam
A class describing how a stream is to be encoded. Instances of this class or its subclasses are used to supply prescriptive "how-to" information to instances of ImageWriter.

A plug-in for a specific image format may define a subclass of this class, and return objects of that class from the getDefaultWriteParam method of its ImageWriter implementation. For example, the built-in JPEG writer plug-in will return instances of javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageWriteParam.

The region of the image to be written is determined by first intersecting the actual bounds of the image with the rectangle specified by IIOParam.setSourceRegion, if any. If the resulting rectangle has a width or height of zero, the writer will throw an IIOException. If the intersection is non-empty, writing will commence with the first subsampled pixel and include additional pixels within the intersected bounds according to the horizontal and vertical subsampling factors specified by IIOParam.setSourceSubsampling.

Individual features such as tiling, progressive encoding, and compression may be set in one of four modes. MODE_DISABLED disables the features; MODE_DEFAULT enables the feature with writer-controlled parameter values; MODE_EXPLICIT enables the feature and allows the use of a set method to provide additional parameters; and MODE_COPY_FROM_METADATA copies relevant parameter values from the stream and image metadata objects passed to the writer. The default for all features is MODE_COPY_FROM_METADATA. Non-standard features supplied in subclasses are encouraged, but not required to use a similar scheme.

Plug-in writers may extend the functionality of ImageWriteParam by providing a subclass that implements additional, plug-in specific interfaces. It is up to the plug-in to document what interfaces are available and how they are to be used. Writers will silently ignore any extended features of an ImageWriteParam subclass of which they are not aware. Also, they may ignore any optional features that they normally disable when creating their own ImageWriteParam instances via getDefaultWriteParam.

Note that unless a query method exists for a capability, it must be supported by all ImageWriter implementations (e.g. progressive encoding is optional, but subsampling must be supported).

See Also: