Class Notification

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AttributeChangeNotification, JMXConnectionNotification, MBeanServerNotification, MonitorNotification, RelationNotification, TimerNotification

public class Notification extends EventObject

The Notification class represents a notification emitted by an MBean. It contains a reference to the source MBean: if the notification has been forwarded through the MBean server, and the original source of the notification was a reference to the emitting MBean object, then the MBean server replaces it by the MBean's ObjectName. If the listener has registered directly with the MBean, this is either the object name or a direct reference to the MBean.

It is strongly recommended that notification senders use the object name rather than a reference to the MBean object as the source.

The serialVersionUID of this class is -7516092053498031989L.

See Also: