Module java.naming

Interface StateFactory

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface StateFactory
This interface represents a factory for obtaining the state of an object for binding.

The JNDI framework allows for object implementations to be loaded in dynamically via object factories. For example, when looking up a printer bound in the name space, if the print service binds printer names to References, the printer Reference could be used to create a printer object, so that the caller of lookup can directly operate on the printer object after the lookup.

An ObjectFactory is responsible for creating objects of a specific type. In the above example, you may have a PrinterObjectFactory for creating Printer objects.

For the reverse process, when an object is bound into the namespace, JNDI provides state factories. Continuing with the printer example, suppose the printer object is updated and rebound:

 ctx.rebind("inky", printer);
The service provider for ctx uses a state factory to obtain the state of printer for binding into its namespace. A state factory for the Printer type object might return a more compact object for storage in the naming system.

A state factory must implement the StateFactory interface. In addition, the factory class must be public and must have a public constructor that accepts no parameters. Note that in cases where the factory is in a named module then it must be in a package which is exported by that module to the java.naming module.

The getStateToBind() method of a state factory may be invoked multiple times, possibly using different parameters. The implementation is thread-safe.

StateFactory is intended for use with service providers that implement only the Context interface. DirStateFactory is intended for use with service providers that implement the DirContext interface.

See Also: