Module java.xml

Interface LexicalHandler

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public interface LexicalHandler
SAX2 extension handler for lexical events.

This is an optional extension handler for SAX2 to provide lexical information about an XML document, such as comments and CDATA section boundaries. XML readers are not required to recognize this handler, and it is not part of core-only SAX2 distributions.

The events in the lexical handler apply to the entire document, not just to the document element, and all lexical handler events must appear between the content handler's startDocument and endDocument events.

To set the LexicalHandler for an XML reader, use the setProperty method with the property name and an object implementing this interface (or null) as the value. If the reader does not report lexical events, it will throw a SAXNotRecognizedException when you attempt to register the handler.

1.4, SAX 2.0 (extensions 1.0)