
TASK 5: Build a Native Image of a Micronaut Application and Deploy to Oracle Cloud

In this lab you will learn how to turn your Java application into a native Linux executable with GraalVM Native Image. After that you will deploy it to a virtual machine in Oracle Cloud.

Estimated Time: 20 minutes

Task Contents

In this task you will:

Step 1: Run a Micronaut Application on the JVM in Oracle Cloud

In this step you will deploy a Micronaut application traditionally on the JVM (from a JAR file) in Oracle Cloud. You will continue using VS Code where GraalVM Enterprise 22.0.0 is set as the default JDK.

  1. Go to Terminal, then New Terminal and run this command to verify the Java version:

    java -version

    Everytime you invoke the java command, the optimized Graal JIT compiler, enabled in GraalVM Enterprise by default, will be applied.

  2. You can package a Java project into a runnable JAR file and start the application either from the VS Code Terminal or invoking the Run Main action.

    • Go to Terminal, then New Terminal and run the mn:run goal:

      ./mvnw mn:run

      If you are using Gradle, execute the run task:

      ./gradlew run
    • Alternatively, find the class file in VS Code, click Run Main above the main method:

      Run Main method quick action

      The application is started on port 8080. Note the time taken to launch it (it is expected to start in ~6500ms).

  3. Terminate the application:

    CTLR +C

Step 2: Build a Native Linux Executable of a Micronaut Application

You can transform any Java application into a native executable with GraalVM Native Image. It is an ahead-of-time compilation technology that allows to turn your Java bytecode into a self-contained native binary that does not require a JDK to run, and is designed to execute on a specific target environment.

As already mentioned, for users convenience, GraalVM Enterprise 22 is preinstalled on your virtual machine. Same is Native Image, which is added with all the dependent libraries (e.g., libstdc++-static, glibc, zlib, etc.). The native-image utility is placed in the GraalVM installation directory ($JAVA_HOME/bin).

  1. In VS Code Terminal window, verify the Native Image version:

    native-image --version
  2. Run this single command to build a native Linux executable:

    • If you are using Maven, specify the native-image packaging format:

    ./mvnw clean package -Dpackaging=native-image
    • If you are using Gradle, execute the nativeImage task:

    ./gradlew nativeCompile

    After some time a native executable called ocidemo will be built into the /target/native-image/ directory. If you are using Gradle, the executable called ocidemo will be written to the /build/native/nativeCompile/ folder.

    Note: The time to build an executable depends on application size and complexity and may take some time on low powered VMs. Using the capacities of the VM instance allocated for this lab, the expected time is ~5 minutes.

GraalVM Native Image creates an executable file with all the application classes, dependent library classes, dependent JDK classes, and a snapshot of the application heap. Whilst building a native image can take some time, the benefits include a dramatic reduction in startup time and reduced overall memory consumption.

Step 3: Deploy Your Micronaut Application in OCI

In the previous step you created a native Linux executable of your Micronaut Application. Now you will deploy this native executable in Oracle Cloud, and compare the startup times when running the same application the from a JAR file and as a native image.

To deploy your application as a native executable, invoke a binary file generated in the previous step:



Note how much faster it takes to start this Micronaut microservice as a native image than from a JAR file at Step 1 (it should jump from ~6500 milliseconds to 2500). It starts faster because the executable is a self-contained binary and does not require a JDK to run, making it an easy way to distribute applications. The filesize is also quite small.

Deploying a Java microservice as a native executable helps to achieve instantaneous startup, lower CPU and memory consumption, making GraalVM Enterprise a good candidate for building cloud native Java applications and for cloud deployments.

The application is running successfully at this point, but to access it, for example, from a browser, you will need to allow incoming traffic to your virtual machine. Terminate the application, CTRL+C, and proceed to the next step.

Step 4: Configure the Firewall to Allow Traffic to Your Cloud Instance (Optional)

To verify this server-side application running in Oracle Cloud and open it in a browser, you need to ensure that the host firewall allows traffic to your virtual machine.

  1. Return to the cloud console, navigate to Compute, then Instances.

  2. When you are logged into the OCI Console, navigate to Compute and click Instances . Make sure you are in the necessary compartment (see Task 1, step 3).

    Find Compute Instances

  3. Find the VM instance (name starting with graal-workshop-…) in the main view and open it.

  4. In the Primary VNIC section, click on Subnet your instance is attached to (subnet-01).

  5. On the subnet page, click on Internal Security List.

  6. Press Add Ingress Rule and fill in the following data.

    Add Ingress Rule to allow incoming traffic to the port

    The rule allows traffic from all sources to use port 8080, so that the application can be reached from anywhere.

  7. Return to the terminal window and run the following commands to restart the firewall in your running VM instance.

    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8080/tcp

    sudo systemctl reload firewalld
  8. Restart the application as a native executable.

    Built with Maven:


    Built with Gradle:

  9. Open the application in a browser using http://<SERVER_IP>:8080/pets for the /pet endpoint and http://<SERVER_IP>:8080/owners for the /owners endpoint. Alternatively, split the terminal window in VS Code and send a GET request with curl:

    curl -i http://<SERVER_IP>:8080/pets

Congratulations! You have successfully completed this lab.

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