
Get started with Podman


This lab gets you started using Podman on Oracle Linux 8 or later. You will install Podman, pull an image from a repository, and use the image to run a container.


In this lab, you’ll:

What Do You Need?

Install the Podman Package

Note: When using the free lab environment, see Oracle Linux Lab Basics for connection and other usage instructions.

  1. Open a terminal and connect to your Oracle Linux 8 instance.

  2. Install the container-tools module.

    sudo dnf module install container-tools:ol8

    This command will install the container-tools module which contains podman (if not already installed) and other tools, including skopeo and buildah.

    One essential tool is container-selinux which allows running podman as a non-root user on a SELinux enabled system.

    Dnf will display the container-tools module information, including a list of packages that will be installed and any dependencies.

  3. Type y to proceed with the installation.

    Installation of the container-tools module completes.

  4. Check the podman configuration and version.

    podman info

    info output

  5. The Podman commands can be run as a regular user, or as a sudo user with elevated privileges. To see further command details use the podman manual pages.

    man podman

    man page

Pull the Oracle Linux 8 Slim Image

Container images are hosted in a repository. By default, podman and skopeo on Oracle Linux 8 are configured to use the Oracle Container Registry, Docker Hub,, Fedora, and CentOS registries.

  1. Listing the existing images in local storage.

    podman images

    images output

  2. Pull the oraclelinux:8-slim image.

    podman pull os/oraclelinux:8-slim

    pull output

    The image downloads to local system storage.

  3. Verify the image downloaded.

    podman images

    images output

Run the Oracle Linux 8 Slim Image

Start a container using the oraclelinux:8-slim image. The container in this lab will run an interactive bash terminal.

  1. Create an interactive container running the bash shell.

    podman run --rm -it oraclelinux:8-slim

    run2 results

    You are presented a bash terminal where you can run Linux commands within the container.

  2. Exit the container.


    The container is automatically removed after execution due to using the --rm option.

  3. Run the same command again, without the --rm option.

    podman run -it oraclelinux:8-slim

    run results

  4. Exit the container as before.

  5. Get a list of all containers in local storage.

    podman ps -a

    The -a ensures the output shows both running and non-running containers.

    ps output

Remove Existing Container and Image

Remove the container and image used in the lab leaving a clean environment.

  1. Remove the container created.

    podman rm <CONTAINER_ID>

    Where the <CONTAINER_ID> is determined by running podman ps -a.


  2. Verify the container was removed.

    podman ps -a


  3. Remove the downloaded Oracle Linux 8 Slim image.

    podman rmi <IMAGE_ID>

    Where the <IMAGE_ID> is determined by running podman images.

    rmi output

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