
Use Gluster with Oracle Cloud Native Environment


Using the Gluster Container Storage Interface module, Oracle Cloud Native Environment administrators can set up statically or dynamically provisioned persistent storage for Kubernetes applications using Gluster Storage.

The Gluster Container Storage Interface module creates a Kubernetes Glusterfs StorageClass provisioner to access existing storage on Gluster. Kubernetes uses the Glusterfs plug-in to provision Gluster volumes for use as Kubernetes PersistentVolumes. The Oracle Cloud Native Environment Platform API Server communicates with the Heketi API to provision and manage Gluster volumes using PersistentVolumeClaims. When deleting the PersistentVolumeClaims, the Gluster volumes automatically get destroyed.

In this example, we will create an integrated system where Kubernetes worker nodes provide persistent storage using Gluster on Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

Deprecation Notice for Release 1.6

Gluster Container Storage Interface Module

The Gluster Container Storage Interface module, used to install Gluster and set up Glusterfs, is deprecated. Future releases may remove the Gluster Container Storage Interface module.

This free lab environment deploys Release 1.6 and may not be updated due to this deprecation notice.


In this lab, you will learn how to install and configure Gluster Storage for Oracle Linux on Oracle Cloud Native Environment to create storage volumes for Kubernetes applications.


This section lists the host systems to perform the steps in this tutorial. To be successful requires:

Set up Lab Environment

Note: When using the free lab environment, see Oracle Linux Lab Basics for connection and other usage instructions.

This lab involves multiple systems, requiring you to perform different steps on each. The recommended way to start is by opening five terminal windows or tabs and connecting to each node. This action prevents you from having to log in and out repeatedly. The nodes are:

Important: The free lab environment deploys a fully installed Oracle Cloud Native Environment across the provided nodes. This deployment takes approximately 25-30 minutes to finish after launch. Therefore, you might want to step away while this runs and then return to complete the lab.

  1. Open a terminal and connect via ssh to each node.

    ssh oracle@<ip_address_of_ol_node>

Validate the Kubernetes Environment

  1. (On the ocne-control01 node) Verify kubectl works.

    kubectl get nodes

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne-control01 ~]$ kubectl get nodes
    NAME             STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
    ocne-control01   Ready    control-plane   12m   v1.25.11+1.el8
    ocne-worker01    Ready    <none>          11m   v1.25.11+1.el8
    ocne-worker02    Ready    <none>          11m   v1.25.11+1.el8
    ocne-worker03    Ready    <none>          11m   v1.25.11+1.el8

Configure the Worker Nodes

Install and configure the Gluster service.

In this section, complete each of the tasks for each worker node:

Note: This approach avoids repetition in the documentation because the required actions are identical on each node.

  1. Install the Gluster yum repository configuration.

    sudo dnf install -y oracle-gluster-release-el8

    Note: (This only applies when using Oracle Cloud Instances.)

    Installing packages from the Oracle Gluster repository may result in the following error:

    [oracle@ocne-worker01 ~]$ sudo dnf install -y glusterfs-server glusterfs-client
    Oracle Linux 8 Gluster Appstream (x86_64)                    0.0  B/s |   0  B     00:00    
    Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'ol8_gluster_appstream':
      - Curl error (6): Couldn't resolve host name for [Could not resolve host:]
    Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'ol8_gluster_appstream': Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried

    The error occurs due to Oracle Cloud attempting to use a repository that may be temporarily unavailable. Use the following steps to resolve the issue.

    1. Modify the Oracle Gluster Repository file.

      sudo sed -i 's/yum$ociregion/yum/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/oracle-gluster-ol8.repo
    2. Retry the installation of the failed packages.

  2. Install the Gluster software.

    sudo dnf install -y glusterfs-server glusterfs-client
  3. Configure the firewall to allow traffic on Gluster’s default ports.

    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-source=
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-service=glusterfs
    sudo firewall-cmd --reload
  4. Enable Gluster encryption.

    Set up the Gluster environment with TLS to encrypt management traffic between Gluster nodes. Rather than creating new certificates, re-use the x.509 certificates provided by Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

    sudo cp /etc/olcne/configs/certificates/production/ca.cert /etc/ssl/
    sudo cp /etc/olcne/configs/certificates/production/node.key /etc/ssl/glusterfs.key
    sudo cp /etc/olcne/configs/certificates/production/node.cert /etc/ssl/glusterfs.pem
    sudo touch /var/lib/glusterd/secure-access
  5. Enable and start the Gluster service.

    sudo systemctl enable --now glusterd.service

Configure the Control Plane Node

Configure Heketi, which will use the Gluster nodes to provision storage.

In this section, complete each task on the control plane node, ocne-control01.

  1. Install the Gluster yum repository configuration.

    sudo dnf install -y oracle-gluster-release-el8
  2. (Optional) Modify the Oracle Gluster Repository file.

    Note: Only run this command if you previously modified the `oracle-gluster-ol8.repo on the worker nodes.

    sudo sed -i 's/yum$ociregion/yum/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/oracle-gluster-ol8.repo
  3. Install the Heketi software.

    sudo dnf install -y heketi heketi-client
  4. Allow the required port through the firewall for Heketi.

    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-source=
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-port=8080/tcp
    sudo firewall-cmd --reload
  5. Create the SSH authentication key for Heketi to use when communicating with worker nodes.

    sudo ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096 -q -f /etc/heketi/heketi_key -N ''
    sudo cat /etc/heketi/ | ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ocne-worker01 "sudo tee -a /root/.ssh/authorized_keys" > /dev/null 2>&1
    sudo cat /etc/heketi/ | ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ocne-worker02 "sudo tee -a /root/.ssh/authorized_keys" > /dev/null 2>&1
    sudo cat /etc/heketi/ | ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ocne-worker03 "sudo tee -a /root/.ssh/authorized_keys" > /dev/null 2>&1
    sudo chown heketi:heketi /etc/heketi/heketi_key*
  6. Configure the heketi.json file.

    Warning: The sed commands below only work the first time running against an unmodified heketi.json file.

    Make a backup of the heketi.json file.

    sudo cp /etc/heketi/heketi.json /etc/heketi/heketi.json.bak

    Update the use_auth section to true.

    sudo sed -i 's/"use_auth": false/"use auth": true/' /etc/heketi/heketi.json

    Define a passphrase for the admin and user accounts.

    sudo sed -i '0,/"My Secret"/{s/"My Secret"/"Admin Password"/}' /etc/heketi/heketi.json
    sudo sed -i '0,/"My Secret"/{s/"My Secret"/"User Password"/}' /etc/heketi/heketi.json

    Change the Glusterfs executor from mock to ssh.

    sudo sed -i 's/"executor": "mock"/"executor": "ssh"/' /etc/heketi/heketi.json

    Define the sshexec properties.

    sudo sed -i 's+"path/to/private_key"+"/etc/heketi/heketi_key"+' /etc/heketi/heketi.json
    sudo sed -i 's+"sshuser"+"root"+' /etc/heketi/heketi.json
    sudo sed -i 's+"Optional: ssh port.  Default is 22"+"22"+' /etc/heketi/heketi.json
    sudo sed -i 's+"Optional: Specify fstab file on node.  Default is /etc/fstab"+"/etc/fstab"+' /etc/heketi/heketi.json
  7. Enable the service.

    sudo systemctl enable --now heketi.service
  8. Validate Heketi is working.

    curl -w "\n" localhost:8080/hello

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne-operator ~]$ curl localhost:8080/hello
    Hello from Heketi.
  9. Create a Heketi topology file.

    This file declares the hostnames to use, the host IP addresses, and the block devices available to Gluster.

    cat << 'EOF' | sudo tee /etc/heketi/topology.json > /dev/null
      "clusters": [
          "nodes": [
              "node": {
                "hostnames": {
                  "manage": [
                  "storage": [
                "zone": 1
              "devices": [
              "node": {
                "hostnames": {
                  "manage": [
                  "storage": [
                "zone": 1
              "devices": [
              "node": {
                "hostnames": {
                  "manage": [
                  "storage": [
                "zone": 1
              "devices": [
  10. Load the Heketi topology file.

    Use the username and password defined in step 5 of this section.

    heketi-cli --user admin --secret "Admin Password" topology load --json=/etc/heketi/topology.json

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne-control01 ~]$ heketi-cli --user admin --secret "Admin Password" topology load --json=/etc/heketi/topology.json
    Creating cluster ... ID: 523081a5a77aa16ef0ea98d9be5720fd
     Allowing file volumes on cluster.
     Allowing block volumes on cluster.
     Creating node ocne-worker01 ... ID: a3213791a722b8a8843e595fd5f631f4
        Adding device /dev/sdb ... OK
     Creating node ocne-worker02 ... ID: 403ff6243ac8e3f7f3bf99e9532f18f6
        Adding device /dev/sdb ... OK
     Creating node ocne-worker03 ... ID: 60e28bdc3fa17d76846aa5e8ea7c25e5
        Adding device /dev/sdb ... OK
  11. List the nodes of known clusters.

    heketi-cli --secret "Admin Password" --user admin node list

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne-control01 ~]$ heketi-cli --secret "Admin Password" --user admin node list
    Id:403ff6243ac8e3f7f3bf99e9532f18f6  Cluster:523081a5a77aa16ef0ea98d9be5720fd
    Id:60e28bdc3fa17d76846aa5e8ea7c25e5  Cluster:523081a5a77aa16ef0ea98d9be5720fd
    Id:a3213791a722b8a8843e595fd5f631f4  Cluster:523081a5a77aa16ef0ea98d9be5720fd

Install the Gluster Container Storage Interface Module

Gluster and Heketi are now available on Oracle Cloud Native Environment and ready to use with the Gluster Container Storage Interface module.

On the ocne-operator node:

  1. Write the global arguments for an environment to a local configuration file.

    This action allows running the olcnectl commands without passing the global arguments for every Platform API Server call.

    olcnectl environment update olcne --config-file myenvironment.yaml --update-config
  2. Create the Gluster module.

    olcnectl module create --environment-name myenvironment --module gluster --name mygluster --gluster-kubernetes-module mycluster --gluster-server-url http://ocne-control01:8080
  3. Validate the modules.

    olcnectl module validate --environment-name myenvironment --name mygluster
  4. Install the modules.

    Note: This may take a few minutes to complete.

    olcnectl module install --environment-name myenvironment --name mygluster
  5. Show the installed modules.

    olcnectl module instances --environment-name myenvironment

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne-operator ~]$ olcnectl module instances --environment-name myenvironment
    INFO[19/07/23 14:45:28] Starting local API server                    
    INFO[19/07/23 14:45:29] Starting local API server                    
    INSTANCE              MODULE      STATE    
    mycluster             kubernetes  installed
    mygluster             gluster     installed
    ocne-control01:8090   node        installed
    ocne-worker01:8090    node        installed
    ocne-worker02:8090    node        installed
    ocne-worker03:8090    node        installed

Create Gluster Volumes

In this section, complete each task on the control plane node, ocne-control01.

  1. Create some example PersistentVolumeClaims.

    for x in {0..5}; do
    cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
     name: gluster-pvc-${x}
      - ReadWriteMany
        storage: 1Gi

    Example Output:

    persistentvolumeclaim/gluster-pvc-0 created
    persistentvolumeclaim/gluster-pvc-1 created
    persistentvolumeclaim/gluster-pvc-2 created
    persistentvolumeclaim/gluster-pvc-3 created
    persistentvolumeclaim/gluster-pvc-4 created
    persistentvolumeclaim/gluster-pvc-5 created
  2. Verify the PersistentVolumeClaims get dynamically filled by Gluster volumes.

    Note: Repeat the command below a few times, as completing the assignment may take a few moments.

    kubectl get pvc

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne-control01 ~]$ kubectl get pvc
    NAME            STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS     AGE
    gluster-pvc-0   Bound    pvc-6f38ff62-aea2-41b1-836a-3fc9796f067f   1Gi        RWX            hyperconverged   2m20s
    gluster-pvc-1   Bound    pvc-2877b912-f8f0-403a-abc7-5c375d7dcd94   1Gi        RWX            hyperconverged   2m20s
    gluster-pvc-2   Bound    pvc-9fd2d0e8-266e-4b7a-a38f-28ffb5a9ce53   1Gi        RWX            hyperconverged   2m20s
    gluster-pvc-3   Bound    pvc-f656153c-af56-4eb5-a3c9-2d718ca0c79c   1Gi        RWX            hyperconverged   2m19s
    gluster-pvc-4   Bound    pvc-80f7e971-527e-416f-9d72-836c5b831731   1Gi        RWX            hyperconverged   2m19s
    gluster-pvc-5   Bound    pvc-864de23d-e030-44db-b145-a6e626090d5a   1Gi        RWX            hyperconverged   2m19s
  3. Create an example Deployment that uses a PersistentVolumeClaim defined above.

    cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
        run: demo-nginx
      name: demo-nginx
      replicas: 1
          run: demo-nginx
            run: demo-nginx
          - image: nginx
            name: demo-nginx
            - containerPort: 80
            - name: demo-nginx-pvc
              mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
          - name: demo-nginx-pvc
              claimName: gluster-pvc-1
  4. Ensure that our example Gluster-backed nginx pod has started successfully

    kubectl get pod -l run=demo-nginx

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne-control01 ~]$ kubectl get pod -l run=demo-nginx
    NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    demo-nginx-9b86b6cb-hvdcr   1/1     Running   0          13s
  5. Verify the volume used is Glusterfs

    Important: Change the command to the pod’s name identified in the previous step.

    kubectl exec demo-nginx-<replace> -ti -- mount -t fuse.glusterfs

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne-control01 ~]$ kubectl exec demo-nginx-9b86b6cb-hvdcr -ti -- mount -t fuse.glusterfs on /usr/share/nginx/html type fuse.glusterfs (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,max_read=131072)

    At this point, the Kubernetes environment creates Gluster volumes when creating a PersistantVolumeClaim and removes them when deleting the PersistantVolumeClaim.


When making a PersistentVolumeClaim, the Kubernetes API Server running on the operator node will request a volume from Heketi running on the control plane node. Heketi will create a Gluster volume on one of the three Gluster nodes (ocne-worker01, ocne-worker02, or ocne-worker03) and respond to the Kubernetes API server with volume details. When directed to start the pod, the worker will mount the Gluster filesystem and present it to a pod.

Note: that Gluster volumes created by Heketi will not have I/O encryption enabled. The above configuration only enables encryption of management traffic.

(Optional) Enabling TLS in Heketi

When deploying in production, it may be required to encrypt communications between the Kubernetes API server and Heketi. In section Create Gluster Volumes, we configured Heketi and the StorageClass to use HTTP; this section describes how to update this deployment to HTTPS.

In this section, complete each task on each control plane, ocne-control01.

  1. Copy OCNE certificates to the Heketi folder.

    sudo cp /etc/olcne/configs/certificates/production/node* /etc/heketi/
    sudo chown heketi:heketi /etc/heketi/node*
  2. Update the heketi.json file.

    Insert the following after the port definition.

    cat << EOF | sudo sed -i '/"port": "8080",/ r /dev/stdin' /etc/heketi/heketi.json
      "_enable_tls_comment": "Enable TLS in Heketi Server",
      "enable_tls": true,
      "_cert_file_comment": "Path to a valid certificate file",
      "cert_file": "/etc/heketi/node.cert",
      "_key_file_comment": "Path to a valid private key file",
      "key_file": "/etc/heketi/node.key",

    Example Output:

      "_port_comment": "Heketi Server Port Number",
      "port": "8080",
      "_enable_tls_comment": "Enable TLS in Heketi Server",
      "enable_tls": true,
      "_cert_file_comment": "Path to a valid certificate file",
      "cert_file": "/etc/heketi/node.cert",
      "_key_file_comment": "Path to a valid private key file",
      "key_file": "/etc/heketi/node.key",
  3. Restart the service.

    sudo systemctl restart heketi.service
  4. Trust the example Certificate Authority

    sudo cp /etc/olcne/configs/certificates/production/ca.cert /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
    sudo update-ca-trust extract
  5. Validate HTTPS Heketi is working

    curl -w "\n" https://localhost:8080/hello

    Example Output:

    Hello from Heketi
  6. (Optional) Delete an Existing StorageClass Object

    Note: If a StorageClass is already hyperconverged, updating StorageClass parameters is not permitted. You must delete the StorageClass before continuing.

    kubectl delete storageclass hyperconverged

    Example Output: "hyperconverged" deleted
  7. Create the StorageClass object with an HTTPS resturl.

    cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    kind: StorageClass
      name: hyperconverged
      annotations: "true"
      resturl: "https://ocne-control01:8080"
      restauthenabled: "true"
      restuser: "admin"
      secretNamespace: "default"
      secretName: "heketi-admin"

    Example Output: created
  8. To use further heketi-cli commands, you must first declare the HTTPS URL.

    export HEKETI_CLI_SERVER=https://ocne-control01:8080

Heketi communications are now encrypted.

(Optional) Example Gluster Output

  1. (Optional) (On control node) Define the Heketi server URL.

    You must declare the updated URL if you previously completed the (Optional) Enabling TLS in Heketi step.

    export HEKETI_CLI_SERVER=https://ocne-control01:8080
  2. (On control node) List volumes.

    heketi-cli --user admin --secret "Admin Password" volume list

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne-control01 ~]$ heketi-cli --user admin --secret "Admin Password" volume list
    Id:00c4c28f2e711daa31233d11dc6d7ba2    Cluster:523081a5a77aa16ef0ea98d9be5720fd    Name:vol_00c4c28f2e711daa31233d11dc6d7ba2
    Id:10ec635cb65339542d8abc7b1a066b29    Cluster:523081a5a77aa16ef0ea98d9be5720fd    Name:vol_10ec635cb65339542d8abc7b1a066b29
    Id:30bc4be77b0550a9df43225b858e8ab7    Cluster:523081a5a77aa16ef0ea98d9be5720fd    Name:vol_30bc4be77b0550a9df43225b858e8ab7
    Id:948bbf1668b06424e9b1781a78919bab    Cluster:523081a5a77aa16ef0ea98d9be5720fd    Name:vol_948bbf1668b06424e9b1781a78919bab
    Id:9d2f56d3d5b7b31dc92d7f60e302dbc0    Cluster:523081a5a77aa16ef0ea98d9be5720fd    Name:vol_9d2f56d3d5b7b31dc92d7f60e302dbc0
    Id:f6d04bb04c26ab1e937f248e5cfe4130    Cluster:523081a5a77aa16ef0ea98d9be5720fd    Name:vol_f6d04bb04c26ab1e937f248e5cfe4130
  3. (On control node) Show volume info.

    Note: Change the volume id to the id of one of the volumes identified in the List volumes step.

    heketi-cli --user admin --secret "Admin Password" volume info <replace>

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne-control01 ~]$ heketi-cli --user admin --secret "Admin Password" volume info 00c4c28f2e711daa31233d11dc6d7ba2
    Name: vol_00c4c28f2e711daa31233d11dc6d7ba2
    Size: 1
    Volume Id: 00c4c28f2e711daa31233d11dc6d7ba2
    Cluster Id: 523081a5a77aa16ef0ea98d9be5720fd
    Mount Options: backup-volfile-servers=,
    Block: false
    Free Size: 0
    Reserved Size: 0
    Block Hosting Restriction: (none)
    Block Volumes: []
    Durability Type: replicate
    Distribute Count: 1
    Replica Count: 3
    Snapshot Factor: 1.00
  4. (On any worker node) Show the state of the Gluster volume from a worker node perspective.

    Note: Change the volume name to the name of one of the volumes identified in the List volumes step.

    sudo gluster volume status <replace>

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne-worker01 ~]$ sudo gluster volume status vol_10ec635cb65339542d8abc7b1a066b29
    Status of volume: vol_10ec635cb65339542d8abc7b1a066b29
    Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
    9ba067b01110acaafd1b37e8b951/brick          49152     0          Y       97976
    a4e50a73cdeb11f8a11d5715174f/brick          49153     0          Y       98121
    6c5a34acc54fe9b7132d81b51935/brick          49154     0          Y       98120
    Self-heal Daemon on localhost               N/A       N/A        Y       98111
    Self-heal Daemon on                          N/A       N/A        Y       97993
    Self-heal Daemon on              N/A       N/A        Y       98109
    Task Status of Volume vol_10ec635cb65339542d8abc7b1a066b29
    There are no active volume tasks

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