
Introducing Kubectl with Oracle Cloud Native Environment


Although graphical tools can manage Kubernetes, many administrators prefer to use command-line tools. The command line tool provided within the Kubernetes ecosystem is called kubectl. Kubectl is a versatile tool used to deploy and inspect the configurations and logs of the cluster resources and applications. Kubectl achieves this by using the Kubernetes API to authenticate with the Control Node of the Kubernetes cluster to complete any management actions requested by the administrator.

Most of the operations/commands available for kubectl provide administrators with the ability to deploy and manage applications deployed onto the Kubernetes cluster and inspect and manage the Kubernetes cluster resources. Because this tutorial is an introduction to kubectl, it will only focus on using kubectl to discover what Kubernetes resources are available in a new install of Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

Note: Many kubectl commands have the --all-namespaces option appended. For this reason, a shorthand for this option is the -A flag. This tutorial often uses kubectl -A instead of kubectl --all-namespaces.


This tutorial introduces kubectl, a widely used command-line tool for interacting with a Kubernetes cluster. Beginning with why it is helpful to learn about it, the tutorial will also introduce some basic kubectl commands that help to understand any services deployed on a Kubernetes cluster, for example:

Most of these commands provide both getter (to review settings) and setter (to define/update settings) functions. This tutorial only uses kubectl to view the current configuration information.


Deploy Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Note: If running in your own tenancy, read the linux-virt-labs GitHub project and complete the prerequisites before deploying the lab environment.

  1. Open a terminal on the Luna Desktop.

  2. Clone the linux-virt-labs GitHub project.

    git clone
  3. Change into the working directory.

    cd linux-virt-labs/ocne2
  4. Install the required collections.

    ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
  5. Deploy the lab environment.

    ansible-playbook create_instance.yml -e localhost_python_interpreter="/usr/bin/python3.6" -e install_ocne_rpm=true -e create_ocne_cluster=true -e "ocne_cluster_node_options='-n 1 -w 1'"

    The free lab environment requires the extra variable local_python_interpreter, which sets ansible_python_interpreter for plays running on localhost. This variable is needed because the environment installs the RPM package for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK for Python, located under the python3.6 modules.

    The default deployment shape uses the AMD CPU and Oracle Linux 8. To use an Intel CPU or Oracle Linux 9, add -e instance_shape="VM.Standard3.Flex" or -e os_version="9" to the deployment command.

    Important: Wait for the playbook to run successfully and reach the pause task. At this stage of the playbook, the installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment is complete, and the instances are ready. Take note of the previous play, which prints the public and private IP addresses of the nodes it deploys and any other deployment information needed while running the lab.

Locate the Configuration File

Before looking at how to use kubectl to investigate a Kubernetes environment, it helps to know where to find an installer for your platform. However, this is optional for the tutorial because kubectl is already present.

  1. Open a terminal and connect via SSH to the ocne instance.

    ssh oracle@<ip_address_of_node>
  2. The configuration file for kubectl is in the $HOME/.kube directory. While it is not usually updated, it helps to know where to locate the configuration file(s), especially if more than one Kubernetes environment needs managing.

    cat ~/.kube/kubeconfig.ocne.local
  3. Note that the .kube/config file contains three main sections:

    • clusters: - the HTTPS endpoint for the Kubernetes cluster.
    • user: - the user(s) allowed to connect/authenticate to the Kubernetes cluster.
    • contexts: - combines the user and cluster information to enable kubectl to connect to the Kubernetes cluster.

View Context and Configuration Information

An easier way to view the information in the .kube/config file is to use the kubectl config command.

  1. View the configuration using kubectl.

    kubectl config view

    Example Output:

    apiVersion: v1
    - cluster:
        certificate-authority-data: DATA+OMITTED
      name: kubernetes
    - context:
        cluster: kubernetes
        user: kubernetes-admin
      name: kubernetes-admin@kubernetes
    current-context: kubernetes-admin@kubernetes
    kind: Config
    preferences: {}
    - name: kubernetes-admin
        client-certificate-data: DATA+OMITTED
        client-key-data: DATA+OMITTED

    This output presents the same information shown in the previous step. However, it does not present these fields in full:

    • certificate-authority-data
    • client-certificate-data
    • client-key-data

    Instead, the certificate information itself is obfuscated and replaced with these placeholders:


    Why the difference between DATA+OMITTED and REDACTED? This difference is because the client-certificate-data and client-key-data information is sensitive and, therefore, needs to be kept confidential (REDACTED). However, it is not a secret because the certificate-authority-data is a public certificate. So, to differentiate between them this data is listed as DATA+OMITTED instead (see this GitHub Issue for more information).

    NOTE: The non-redacted information can be displayed using kubectl and appending either of these flags:

    • --raw - Displays all raw byte and sensitive data
    • --flatten - Flattens the resulting kubeconfig file into self-contained output that you can use for creating portable kubeconfig files
  2. Review the details of all defined contexts in the active configuration file.

    kubectl config get-contexts

    Example Output:

    CURRENT   NAME                          CLUSTER      AUTHINFO           NAMESPACE
    *         kubernetes-admin@kubernetes   kubernetes   kubernetes-admin 

    Note: If the configuration contains more than one context in the configuration file, the current default context is indicated with an asterisk (*). The tutorial environment has only one context defined.

  3. Display the default context currently in use.

    kubectl config current-context

    Example Output:


Install Auto-Completion

Kubectl provides support for auto-completion, which in turn helps to reduce the amount of typing required at the command line. However, this functionality requires bash-completion to be present.

  1. Install the Bash completion package.

    sudo dnf install -y bash-completion

    Depending on your environment, the installation of this package may already exist.

  2. Enable auto-complete for kubectl in the Bash shell.

    source <(kubectl completion bash)
  3. Add auto-complete permanently to your Bash shell.

    echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc
  4. By default, auto-completion will become available after reloading your shell. However, it is possible to enable auto-completion in the current shell session by sourcing the ~/.bashrc file.

    source ~/.bashrc
  5. Confirm bash-completion for kubectl is enabled.

    Type the kubectl command <SPACE> and press the Tab key twice. The available sub-commands should be listed.

    Example Output:

    alpha          cluster-info   diff           label          run
    annotate       completion     drain          logs           scale
    api-resources  config         edit           options        set
    api-versions   cordon         exec           patch          taint
    apply          cp             explain        plugin         top
    attach         create         expose         port-forward   uncordon
    auth           debug          get            proxy          version
    autoscale      delete         help           replace        wait
    certificate    describe       kustomize      rollout

Lookup the Kubernetes Version

Before working with an Oracle Cloud Native Environment installation, the administrator can use these steps to gather some basic information about the topology and Kubernetes version used.

  1. Display the short version of the Kubernetes version information.

    kubectl version

    Example Output:

    Client Version: v1.30.3+1.el8
    Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3
    Server Version: v1.30.3+1.el8
  2. Return more detailed information about the deployed Kubernetes version in YAML format.

    kubectl version --output=yaml

    Example Output:

      buildDate: "2024-07-23T22:25:54Z"
      compiler: gc
      gitCommit: e72e0005eb3c1d098793b855d0856410f293b200
      gitTreeState: clean
      gitVersion: v1.30.3+1.el8
      goVersion: go1.22.5
      major: "1"
      minor: "30"
      platform: linux/amd64
    kustomizeVersion: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3
      buildDate: "2024-07-23T22:37:09Z"
      compiler: gc
      gitCommit: e72e0005eb3c1d098793b855d0856410f293b200
      gitTreeState: clean
      gitVersion: v1.30.3+1.el8
      goVersion: go1.22.5
      major: "1"
      minor: "30"
      platform: linux/amd64
  3. Return the detailed information in JSON format.

    kubectl version --output=json

Confirm the Node Information

Nodes are the workhorse of a Kubernetes cluster, so the number of control and worker nodes deployed on a cluster is vital for the administrator to be aware of.

  1. Concisely confirm the node information.

    This command displays an abridged listing showing the node names (NAME), node roles (ROLES), and the Kubernetes version (VERSION)

    kubectl get nodes

    Example Output:

    NAME                   STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
    ocne-control-plane-1   Ready    control-plane   54m   v1.30.3+1.el8
    ocne-worker-1          Ready    <none>          53m   v1.30.3+1.el8
  2. Return more detailed information about the nodes.

    kubectl get nodes -o wide

    This command shows more detailed information than the previous command by including this additional information:

    • Internal and External IP information (INTERNAL-IP and EXTERNAL-IP)
    • Operating System information on the node (OS_IMAGE)
    • Kernel version on the node (KERNEL-VERSION)
    • Container runtime information and version (CONTAINER-RUNTIME)

Confirm the API Versions in the Cluster

The API server is a critical component of the Kubernetes cluster control plane. It exposes an HTTP API that allows different cluster components and external resources (such as kubectl) to communicate and orchestrate applications deployed onto the Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Because the API versions change with each Kubernetes version, confirming which API versions are available may also be helpful. For example, to understand why a deployment is failing.

    Note: The Kubernetes cluster output may differ.

    kubectl api-versions

    Example Output:
  2. It is possible to look for more detailed information about the API resources available on the Kubernetes cluster where the columns describe the following:

    • NAME - the resource name
    • SHORTNAMES - where listed, this represents an alternative short name to use with the kubectl command
    • APIVERSION - self-explanatory
    • NAMESPACED - while most Kubernetes resources are deployed into one of the namespaces(shown as true), not all are (shown as false).
    • KIND - confirms the ‘kind’ of resource type the API is related to, for example, a Deployment kind (found in a deployment.yaml file).
    kubectl api-resources

    Example Output:

    Note: output has been abbreviated for clarity.

    NAME                              SHORTNAMES       APIVERSION                             NAMESPACED   KIND
    bindings                                           v1                                     true         Binding
    componentstatuses                 cs               v1                                     false        ComponentStatus
    configmaps                        cm               v1                                     true         ConfigMap
    endpoints                         ep               v1                                     true         Endpoints
    events                            ev               v1                                     true         Event
    limitranges                       limits           v1                                     true         LimitRange
    namespaces                        ns               v1                                     false        Namespace
    nodes                             no               v1                                     false        Node
    persistentvolumeclaims            pvc              v1                                     true         PersistentVolumeClaim
    persistentvolumes                 pv               v1                                     false        PersistentVolume
    pods                              po               v1                                     true         Pod
    clusterroles                                        false        ClusterRole
    rolebindings                                        true         RoleBinding
    roles                                               true         Role
    priorityclasses                   pc                        false        PriorityClass
    csidrivers                                                     false        CSIDriver
    csinodes                                                       false        CSINode
    csistoragecapacities                                           true         CSIStorageCapacity
    storageclasses                    sc                           false        StorageClass
    volumeattachments                                              false        VolumeAttachment

    NOTE: It is possible to display a shortened version of the same information by appending the --namespaced=true or --namespaced=false flag to the kubectl api-resources command.

Lookup Namespaces and Security Information

Namespaces provide the mechanism for applications deployed onto a cluster to isolate resources from each other when deployed in a cluster.

  1. List all of the namespaces present.

    kubectl get namespaces -A

    Example Output:

    NAME              STATUS   AGE
    default           Active   55m
    kube-flannel      Active   56m
    kube-node-lease   Active   55m
    kube-public       Active   56m
    kube-system       Active   57m
    ocne-system       Active   56m
  2. List the certificates deployed onto the Kubernetes cluster.

    Creating a ‘CertificateSigningRequest’ (CSR) is part of the signing process for an X.509 certificate. While not part of an administrator’s daily work routine, it is helpful for the administrator to monitor the existing CSRs on a cluster so any redundant CSRs can be removed or updated.

    kubectl get csr

    Example Output:

    NAME        AGE   SIGNERNAME                                    REQUESTOR                          REQUESTEDDURATION   CONDITION
    csr-shsvw   56m   system:bootstrap:e95tho            <none>              Approved,Issued
    csr-xp9pm   57m   system:node:ocne-control-plane-1   <none>              Approved,Issued

    Note: A garbage collection process executes periodically on the cluster to remove old CertificateSigningRequest resources. Therefore, if a kubectl get csr has previously returned output but later returns a No Resources Found message, this indicates the garbage collector has executed (Please see Certificate and Certificate Signing Requests documentation for details.)

  3. Lookup Secrets deployed on the Kubernetes cluster.

    Kubernetes uses Secrets to hold confidential data, such as passwords, keys, or tokens. It helps by keeping them separate from the container image, thereby ensuring no confidential data remains with the application code contained within the container.

    kubectl get secrets -A

    Example Output:

    NAMESPACE      NAME                                 TYPE                            DATA   AGE
    kube-flannel   sh.helm.release.v1.flannel.v1              1      57m
    kube-system    bootstrap-token-8u5mxn        6      57m
    kube-system    bootstrap-token-e95tho        6      57m
    kube-system    bootstrap-token-trau6v        4      57m
    kube-system    kubeadm-certs                        Opaque                          8      57m
    ocne-system    certificate-authority-tls                 2      57m
    ocne-system    oidc                                 Opaque                          0      57m
    ocne-system    sh.helm.release.v1.ocne-catalog.v1              1      57m
    ocne-system    sh.helm.release.v1.ui.v1                 1      57m
    ocne-system    ui-tls                                    2      57m

Lookup Services and Endpoint

Services within a Kubernetes cluster represent the endpoint(s) used to access applications deployed onto the cluster instead of connecting directly to a container. That allows you to terminate or replace an individual pod without interrupting the end user’s interaction with the application.

Endpoints track and map the IP addresses of the objects created for a Service to ensure all traffic is routed correctly to the correct application and is managed automatically by Kubernetes. However, if debugging an issue, this is how to look up their details.

  1. List all the Services deployed.

    kubectl get services -A

    Example Output:

    NAMESPACE     NAME           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                  AGE
    default       kubernetes     ClusterIP        <none>        443/TCP                  58m
    kube-system   kube-dns       ClusterIP       <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP   59m
    ocne-system   ocne-catalog   NodePort   <none>        80:32554/TCP             58m
    ocne-system   ui             ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP                  58m
  2. List any Endpoints on the Kubernetes cluster.

    kubectl get endpoints -A

    Example Output:

    NAMESPACE     NAME           ENDPOINTS                                               AGE
    default       kubernetes                                    59m
    kube-system   kube-dns,, + 3 more...   59m
    ocne-system   ocne-catalog                                           59m
    ocne-system   ui                                            59m
  3. List all the Pods deployed on the Kubernetes cluster.

    kubectl get pods -A

    Example Output:

    NAMESPACE      NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
    kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-5mp9m                          1/1     Running   3 (60m ago)   60m
    kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-9rjpm                          1/1     Running   3 (60m ago)   60m
    kube-system    coredns-f7d444b54-g6fgj                        1/1     Running   0             60m
    kube-system    coredns-f7d444b54-kptzr                        1/1     Running   0             60m
    kube-system    etcd-ocne-control-plane-1                      1/1     Running   0             60m
    kube-system    kube-apiserver-ocne-control-plane-1            1/1     Running   0             60m
    kube-system    kube-controller-manager-ocne-control-plane-1   1/1     Running   0             60m
    kube-system    kube-proxy-bpxhc                               1/1     Running   0             60m
    kube-system    kube-proxy-m6vp5                               1/1     Running   0             60m
    kube-system    kube-scheduler-ocne-control-plane-1            1/1     Running   0             60m
    ocne-system    ocne-catalog-578c959566-mh448                  1/1     Running   0             60m
    ocne-system    ui-84dd57ff69-46phf                            1/1     Running   0             60m

Lookup Pod Information

  1. Retrieve information about any pod deployed on the cluster.

    The previous kubectl get pods -A command returns a list of all the pods currently running on the cluster. Because this is a fresh install of Oracle Cloud Native Environment, only the ‘system’ pods are running. However, kubectl can retrieve more information about any of these deployed pods. All that needs noting are the NAMESPACE and NAME values. Because many pods are dynamically assigned names, these values may change from those shown when you execute the same command. However, the etcd pod should remain the same, so this is the example used for the lab.

    kubectl describe pods etcd-ocne-control -n kube-system

    Note: the -n kube-system directs kubectl to look inside the kube-system namespace for the etcd-ocne-control pod.

    For now, this serves only as an illustration to show how easy it is to use kubectl at the command line to return a large amount of detailed information about deployments. This ability will eventually become one of several tools you will use as an administrator to manage and troubleshoot the Kubernetes cluster for which you’re responsible.

Next Steps

These steps conclude the brief introduction to the kubectl command-line tool, demonstrating its use to query a Kubernetes cluster and discovering a wealth of information about the services currently deployed to the Kubernetes cluster. However, kubectl can do more than retrieve information; it also manages application deployments and operations on the Kubernetes cluster.

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