
Provision PersistentVolumes Using File Storage Service on Oracle Cloud Native Environment


Oracle Cloud Native Environment ships with the ability to install the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Cloud Controller Manager (CCM). The CCM is OCI’s implementation of the Kubernetes control plane component that links your Kubernetes cluster to OCI.

The OCI CCM project implements a Container Storage Interface (CSI) plugin for Kubernetes clusters that implements both OCI Block Volume Storage and OCI File Storage Service to store persistent data.

This tutorial will focus on OCI File System service to provide nfs-style cloud storage.


In this lab, you’ll learn how to:


Set Up Lab Environment

Note: When using the free lab environment, see Oracle Linux Lab Basics for connection and other usage instructions.

Information: The free lab deploys a running Oracle Cloud Native Environment with the CCM module. The deployment takes approximately 20 minutes to finish after launch. Therefore, you might want to step away while this runs and promptly return to complete the lab.

  1. Open a terminal and connect via ssh to the ocne-control node.

    ssh oracle@<ip_address_of_ol_node>
  2. Confirm the following files exist in the user’s home directory.

    • fss-pv.yaml
    • fss-pvc.yaml
    • fss-pod.yaml

    The lab uses these files to create the PersistentVolume, the PersistentVolumeClaim, and the Pod. The Pod runs an Oracle Linux container that leverages the PersistentVolume.

Create the File Storage Service

The free lab environment deploys a ready-to-use File System service named fss-ocne. We’ll connect to the Cloud Console and create a second one to show you how fss-ocne was made.

  1. Connect to the Cloud Console

    Dismiss any pop-up dialogs that appear.

  2. Click Storage, then File Systems in the navigation menu.

    The table displays the fss-ocne File System service.


    Note: Select the available Compartment from the list of values in the left panel if the list of File Systems is empty.

  3. Click the Create File System button.

    This action opens the Create File System wizard.

  4. Enter or select the following values in the specific fields.

    • File System for NFS
    • File System Information - Name: fss-demo
    • Export Information - Export Path: /fss-demo
    • Mount Target Information - Mount Target: mt-demo

    For the Mount Target, you can select an existing target if a previous one exists or create a new target by selecting the desired option. In the free lab environment, the opportunity to choose only exists because the mt-ocne mount target deploys at the lab startup as part of the fss-ocne File System. If creating a newMount Target, that step also requires selecting a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) and Subnet, which the free lab environment only has one to choose from.

    fss-name fss-path fss-mt

  5. Review the entries and click the Create button.

    The page refreshes and displays the fss-demo details page. The available exports for this File System appear at the bottom of the page. The export includes the Export Path and the Mount Target.


  6. Click the vertical three-dot menu to the right of the export listing.

  7. Select Mount Commands from the pop-up menu.


    The Mount Commands dialog displays a list of commands to mount this File System on an Oracle Linux image. Take note of the IP address:path in the last command. These values map to the file system’s Mount Target's IP address and Export Path, which we’ll use along with the File System’s OCID in the Kubernetes PersistentVolume manifest.


  8. Click the Close button.

Create a PersistentVolume (PV)

A PersistentVolume (PV) is a piece of storage provided by an administrator or dynamically provisioned using Storage Classes within a Kubernetes cluster. The lifecycle of a PV is independent of any individual Pod that uses the PV.

  1. Switch to the open terminal on the free lab desktop.

    Reconnect to the ocne-control node as necessary.

  2. View the contents of the PersistentVolume manifest file.

    cat ~/fss-pv.yaml


    The following values appear in the image above as placeholders and get automatically set in the fss-pv.yaml file during deployment time in the free lab environment.

    As an optional step, update the fss-pv.yaml file and replace the set values for the volumeHandle: line to match those of the fss-demo File System we created above in the Cloud Console.

    You’ll find the values for these items in the Cloud Console on the File System and Mount Target details page.

  3. Create the PersistentVolume.

    kubectl create -f ~/fss-pv.yaml
  4. Get a list of PersistentVolumes.

    kubectl get pv

Create PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC)

A PersistentVolume Claim (PVC) is a request for storage, which is met by binding the PVC to a PersistentVolume (PV). A PVC provides an abstraction layer to the underlying storage. The CCM CSI drivers implement the Block Volume Service and the File Storage Service within OCI.

  1. View the contents of the PersistentVolumeClaim manifest file.

    cat ~/fss-pvc.yaml


    The storageClassName gets set to "", while the volumeName uses the name of the PV.

  2. Create the PersistentVolumeClaim.

    kubectl create -f ~/fss-pvc.yaml
  3. Get a list of PersistentVolumeClaims.

    kubectl get pvc

Create a Pod

A Pod within Kubernetes is a group of one or more containers, shared storage, network resources, and a specification defining how to run the containers.

  1. View the contents of the pod manifest file.

    cat ~/fss-pod.yaml


    The Pod pulls an Oracle Linux container and runs a command within the bash shell. The command writes to Standard Output (STDOUT) and redirects that output to the /data directory, a volume mount associated with the PVC.

  2. Create the Pod.

    kubectl create -f ~/fss-pod.yaml
  3. Get a list of Pods.

    kubectl get pods

    The STATUS will start with ContainerCreating as the container pulls the image and starts. Running the kubectl command again, the STATUS should eventually show as Running once the container starts. If the STATUS never makes it to Running use the next step to troubleshoot the problem, as it is probably a typo in the fss-pv.yaml file if you optionally choose to update it.

  4. Describe the Pod.

    kubectl describe pod app

    Running this command shows details of the specific Pod, including events helpful in troubleshooting errors if the Pod fails to start. If an error occurs, you can undo the previous steps for the Pod, PVC, and PV using the kubectl delete ([-f FILENAME] | TYPE [(NAME | -l label | --all)]) command. For example, kubectl delete pod app, removes the app Pod deployment.

Verify PersistentVolume Access

There are several ways to verify that the data gets written to the PV.

Use the Pod

  1. Open a shell to the container within the Pod.

    kubectl exec -i -t app --container app -- /bin/bash

    Note: The short options -i and -t are the same as the long options --stdin and --tty.

  2. Watch the container writing the date to a file in the volume mount location.

    timeout 60s tail -f /data/out.txt
  3. Exit the container shell.


Mount the File System

Note: If you completed the optional step of using the fss-demo File System in the fss-pv.yaml file, update the commands below accordingly.

  1. Install the NFS client.

    sudo dnf install -y nfs-utils
  2. Create the mount point directory.

    sudo mkdir -p /mnt/fss-ocne
  3. Mount the file system.

    sudo mount /mnt/fss-ocne
  4. Monitor the container writing to the File System using the OS mount point.

    sudo timeout 60s tail -f /mnt/fss-ocne/out.txt


Writing the out.txt file within the container to /data and then seeing the same file at the OS level using the File System mount commands confirms you have a working PersistentVolume using the OCI File System service.

For More Information

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