
Manage KVM Virtual Machines using Oracle Linux Automation Manager


The community.libvirt collection provides libvirt modules and plugins supported by the Ansible libvirt community. These modules and plugins help manage virtual machines (VMs) and containers using the libvirt API.


In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:


Note: For details on installing Oracle Linux Automation Manager or KVM, see the links at the end of this lab.

Deploy Oracle Linux Automation Manager

Note: If running in your own tenancy, read the linux-virt-labs GitHub project and complete the prerequisites before deploying the lab environment.

  1. Open a terminal on the Luna Desktop.

  2. Clone the linux-virt-labs GitHub project.

    git clone
  3. Change into the working directory.

    cd linux-virt-labs/olam
  4. Install the required collections.

    ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
  5. Update the Oracle Linux instance configuration.

    cat << EOF | tee instances.yml > /dev/null
        instance_name: "olam-node"
        type: "control"
        instance_name: "git-server"
        type: "server"
        instance_name: "kvm-server"
        type: "server"
  6. Deploy the lab environment.

    ansible-playbook create_instance.yml -e ansible_python_interpreter="/usr/bin/python3.6" -e "@instances.yml" -e olam_single_host=true -e use_git=true -e use_kvm=true

    The free lab environment requires the extra variable ansible_python_interpreter because it installs the RPM package for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK for Python. The location for this package’s installation is under the python3.6 modules.

    The default deployment shape uses the AMD CPU and Oracle Linux 8. To use an Intel CPU or Oracle Linux 9, add -e instance_shape="VM.Standard3.Flex" or -e os_version="9" to the deployment command.

    Important: Wait for the playbook to run successfully and reach the pause task. The Oracle Linux Automation Manager installation is complete at this stage of the playbook, and the instances are ready. Take note of the previous play, which prints the public and private IP addresses of the nodes it deploys.

Create a Playbook

  1. Open a new terminal window.

  2. Set a variable to the remote git-server instance.

    export REMOTE=<ip_address_of_instance>
  3. Create the project directory.

    mkdir ~/olamkvm
  4. Create a requirements file.

    Oracle Linux Automation Engine uses the requirements file to pull any required collections or roles into the project at runtime.

    cat << EOF > ~/olamkvm/requirements.yml 
      - name: community.libvirt
      - name: community.general
      - name: community.crypto
  5. Create a variables file.

    The file stores variables and their default values. The playbook imports this file at runtime.

    1. Create a directory to store the file.

      mkdir ~/olamkvm/vars
    2. Create the file.

      cat << EOF > ~/olamkvm/vars/defaults.yml
      username: oracle
      base_image_name: OL9U5_x86_64-kvm-b253.qcow2
      base_image_sha: 3b00bbbefc8e78dd28d9f538834fb9e2a03d5ccdc2cadf2ffd0036c0a8f02021
      libvirt_pool_dir: "/var/lib/libvirt/images"
      vm_name: ol9-dev
      vm_vcpus: 2
      vm_ram_mb: 2048
      vm_net: default
      cleanup_tmp: no 
  6. Create the cloud-init templates.

    These templates create the meta-data and the user-data files to provision the VM configuration via cloud-init.

    1. Create a directory to store the templates.

      mkdir ~/olamkvm/templates
    2. Create the meta-data template.

      cat << EOF > ~/olamkvm/templates/meta-data.j2
      instance-id: iid-local01
    3. Create the user-data template.

      cat << EOF > ~/olamkvm/templates/user-data.j2
          name: opc
  7. Create the libvirt VM definition template.

    cat << EOF > ~/olamkvm/templates/vm-template.xml.j2
    <domain type="kvm">
      <memory unit='MiB'></memory>
      <vcpu placement='static'></vcpu>
        <type arch="x86_64" machine="q35">hvm</type>
        <boot dev="hd"/>
      <cpu mode="host-model"/>
      <clock offset="utc">
        <timer name="rtc" tickpolicy="catchup"/>
        <timer name="pit" tickpolicy="delay"/>
        <timer name="hpet" present="no"/>
        <suspend-to-mem enabled="no"/>
        <suspend-to-disk enabled="no"/>
        <disk type="file" device="disk">
          <driver name="qemu" type="qcow2"/>
          <source file="/.qcow"/>
          <target dev="vda" bus="virtio"/>
        <disk type="file" device="cdrom">
          <driver name="qemu" type="raw"/>
          <source file="/.iso"/>
          <target dev="sda" bus="sata"/>
        <controller type="usb" model="qemu-xhci" ports="15"/>
        <interface type="network">
          <source network=""/>
          <model type="virtio"/>
        <console type="pty"/>
        <channel type="unix">
          <source mode="bind"/>
          <target type="virtio" name="org.qemu.guest_agent.0"/>
        <memballoon model="virtio"/>
        <rng model="virtio">
          <backend model="random">/dev/urandom</backend>
  8. Create a playbook.

    This playbook queries the KVM server for existing VMs and then deploys a new Oracle Linux Cloud Image.

    cat << EOF > ~/olamkvm/create_vm.yml
    - name: Create vm with community.libvirt collection
      hosts: kvm
      become: true
        - vars/defaults.yml
      - name: Add python lxml module required by libvirt ansible module
          name: python3-lxml
          state: present
      - name: Get list of existing VMs
          command: list_vms
        register: existing_vms
        changed_when: false
      - name: Print list of existing VMs
          var: existing_vms
      - name: Create VM when not exist
        when: ( vm_name not in existing_vms.list_vms )
        - name: Download base image
            url: ""
            dest: "/tmp/"
            checksum: "sha256:"
            mode: "0664"
        - name: Copy base image to libvirt directory
            dest: "/.qcow"
            src: "/tmp/"
            force: false
            remote_src: true 
            owner: qemu
            group: qemu
            mode: "0660"
          register: copy_results
        - name: Generate a vm ssh keypair
            path: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
            size: 2048
            comment: vm ssh keypair
          register: vm_ssh_keypair
          become: true
          become_user: ""
        - name: Create vm meta-data
            src: templates/meta-data.j2
            dest: "~/meta-data"
            mode: "0664"
          become_user: ""
        - name: Read the vm ssh private key
            src: "~/.ssh/"
          register: vm_ssh_private_key
          become: true
          become_user: ""
        - name: Create var for private key
            vm_private_key: ""
        - name: Create vm user-data
            src: templates/user-data.j2
            dest: ~/user-data
            mode: "0664"
          become: true
          become_user: ""
        - name: Generate iso containing cloud-init configuration
            genisoimage -output /tmp/.iso -volid cidata -joliet -rock ~/user-data ~/meta-data
          become: true
          become_user: ""
          register: generate_iso
          changed_when: generate_iso.rc == 0
        - name: Copy vm iso image to libvirt directory
            dest: "/.iso"
            src: "/tmp/.iso"
            force: false
            remote_src: true 
            owner: qemu
            group: qemu
            mode: "0660"
        - name: Remove vm iso image from tmp
            path: "/tmp/.iso"
            state: absent
        - name: Define the vm
            command: define
            xml: ""
      - name: Start the vm
          name: ""
          state: running
        register: vm_start_results
        until: "vm_start_results is success"
        retries: 15
        delay: 2
      - name: Remove the temporary file
          path: "/tmp/"
          state: absent
        when: cleanup_tmp | bool

Add the Project to Source Control

  1. Initialize the project’s working directory into a Git repository.

    Before initializing the repository, you need to perform some Git first-time setup steps.

    1. Set the default branch name used when initializing a project.

      git config --global init.defaultBranch main
    2. Set your identity.

      The email and name are examples within this tutorial. Use your email and name when working on your projects, as this information gets immutably baked into each commit.

      git config --global
      git config --global "John Doe"
    3. Change into the project’s working directory.

      cd ~/olamkvm
    4. Initialize the directory as a local Git repository.

      git init

      The command returns that it initialized the empty Git repository.

  2. Check the state of the working directory and project staging area.

    git status

    The state of the local repository indicates two untracked files, create_vm.yml and requirements.yml, and the directories vars and templates.

  3. Add and track the new files in the staging area.

    git add --all

    The --all option adds all untracked and changed files to the staging area.

  4. Commit the changes currently in the staging area.

    git commit -m 'initial commit'

    The -m option allows adding a comment to the committed changes.

  5. Create and initialize the remote Git repository.

    A remote repository is a shared repository used by all project contributors and stored on a code-hosting service like GitHub or a self-hosted server.

    ssh git@$REMOTE "git init -b main --bare /git-server/repos/olamkvm.git"

    The -b option ensures the initialization of the remote repository using a branch called main.

  6. Accept the ECDSA key fingerprint by typing yes.

  7. Add the new remote repository connection record.

    Adding the remote connection to the local repository allows you to use it as a named shortcut in Git commands.

    git remote add origin git@$REMOTE:/git-server/repos/olamkvm.git

    The path after the colon is the repository’s directory location on the remote Git server.

  8. Verify the newly added connection record.

    git remote -v

    The output shows the connection record origin pointing to the remote Git repository location for both the git fetch and git push commands.

  9. Push the local repository changes to the remote repository.

    git push origin main

    Using the olamkvm source within an Oracle Linux Automation Manager Project is now possible.

Create Ansible Galaxy Credentials

These credentials allow Oracle Linux Automation Manager to pull the OCI Ansible Collection from the public Ansible Galaxy Hub.

  1. Open a new terminal window and configure an SSH tunnel to the olam-node instance.

    ssh -L 8444:localhost:443 oracle@<ip_address_of_instance>
  2. Open a web browser and enter the URL.


    Note: Approve the security warning based on the browser used. For the Chrome browser, click the Advanced button and then the Proceed to localhost (unsafe) link.

  3. Log in to the Oracle Linux Automation Manager WebUI. Use the Username admin and the Password admin created during the automated deployment.


  4. The WebUI displays after a successful login.


  5. Click Credentials under the Resources section in the navigation menu.

  6. Click the Add button.

  7. Enter or select the following values in the specific fields.

    For fields with a search or list of values, we can start typing the requested value and then select it.

    • Name: My Ansible Galaxy
    • Organization: Default
    • Credential Type: Ansible Galaxy/Automation Hub API Token

    Oracle Linux Automation Manager uses the Ansible Galaxy credentials to enable the downloading of roles and collections using the ansible-galaxy command.

    • Galaxy Server URL:


  8. Review the entries and click the Save button.

  9. Click Organizations under the Access section in the navigation menu.

    Assigning the Ansible Galaxy credential within the Organization enables the download of the Oracle Linux Infrastructure Ansible Collection from within the git project.

  10. Click the Default organization and click the Edit button.

  11. Select the search option in the Galaxy Credentials field.

  12. Select My Ansible Galaxy in the Select Galaxy Credentials pop-up dialogand click the Select button.

  13. Review and click the Save button.


Create Machine Credentials

These credentials allow Oracle Linux Automation Manager to connect to the KVM virtualization system via SSH.

  1. Click Credentials under Resources in the navigation menu.

  2. Click the Add button.

  3. Enter or select the following values in the specific fields.

    For fields with a search or list of values, we can start typing the requested value and then select it.

    • Name: My KVM Server
    • Organization: Default
    • Credential Type: Machine

    Oracle Linux Automation Manager uses the Machine credentials to set the information required when establishing an SSH connection to a host.

    The page refreshes, requesting the Type Details.

  4. Enter the Username.

    • Username: oracle


  5. Click the Browse button for the SSH Private Key.

    A dialog box appears displaying the Open File window.

  6. Right-click in the central panel of the Open File window and select Show Hidden Files in the pop-up dialog box.


  7. Click anywhere in the central panel to dismiss the dialog box.

  8. Click the Home location in the navigation menu on the left side of the Open File window.

  9. Double-click the .ssh folder in the list, then double-click the id_rsa file.

    This action copies the contents of the id_rsa file to the SSH Private Key field.

  10. Review the entries, then scroll to the bottom and click the Save button.

Create an Inventory

  1. Click Inventories in the navigation menu.

  2. Click the Add button and select Add inventory from the drop-down list of values.

  3. Enter or select the following values in the specific fields.

    • Name: KVM Servers
    • Instance Groups: controlplane
  4. Review and click the Save button.


Add a Group to an Inventory

A group within an inventory is a classification of hosts or other groups that allow controlling a set of hosts for a given task.

  1. Click the Groups tab on the KVM Servers Details page.


  2. Click the Add button.

  3. Enter or select the following values in the specific fields.

    • Name: kvm
  4. Review and click the Save button.


Add a Host to the Inventory Group

  1. Click the Hosts tab on the kvm Group details page.


  2. Click the Add button and select Add new host from the drop-down list of values.

  3. Enter or select the following values in the specific fields.

    • Name: Use the public IP address of the kvm-server host.
  4. Review and click the Save button.


Ping the Inventory Group

Use the ping module to verify Oracle Linux Automation can connect to the host within the inventory group.

  1. Use the breadcrumbs and click on KVM Servers.

  2. Click the Groups tab.

  3. Check the box next to the kvm group and click the Run Command button.

    The Run Command pop-up dialog appears.

  4. Select the ping module and click the Next button.

  5. Select the OLAM EE (2.2) Execution Environment and click the Next button.

  6. Select the My KVM Server Machine Credential and click the Next button.

  7. Review and click the Launch button.

    A job launches and displays the output from the ping module.


Add Source Control Credential

  1. Click Credentials in the navigation menu.

  2. Click the Add button.

  3. Enter or select the following values in the specific fields.

    • Name: Git Server
    • Organization: Default
    • Credential Type: Source Control


    The page refreshes, requesting the Type Details.

  4. Enter the Username.

    • Username: git
  5. Enter the SCM Private Key

    Click the Browse button and double-click the id_rsa file. This action copies the key contents into the SCM Private Key field.


  6. Review and click the Save button.


Create a Project

  1. Click Projects in the navigation menu.

  2. Click the Add button.

  3. Enter or select the following values in the specific fields.

    • Name: My Project
    • Execution Environment: OLAM EE (2.2)
    • Source Control Credential Type: Git


    The page refreshes, requesting the Type Details.

  4. Enter the git-server’s remote URL.

    • Source Control URL: git@<ip_address_of_instance>:/git-server/repos/olamkvm.git
  5. Select Git Server for the Source Control Credential.

  6. Review and click the Save button.


  7. Review the project sync status.

    After project creation, the project will display its status in the Details summary as the sync begins. The status transitions from Running to Successful if the configuration is correct and the Git server is reachable.


Create a Job Template

  1. Click Templates in the navigation menu.

  2. Click the Add button and select Add job template from the drop-down list of values.

  3. Enter the required values.

    • Name: My Template
    • Job Type: Run
    • Inventory: KVM Servers
    • Project: My Project
    • Execution Environment: OLAM EE (2.2)
    • Playbook: create_vm.yml
    • Credentials: My KVM Server


  4. Review, scroll down, and click the Save button.


  5. Launch the template.

    Launch a job from the template summary page by clicking the Launch button.


    If successful, the job launches and displays the output from the template. The standard output shows the playbook running and outputs the results of the playbook.


Verify Virtual Machine Creation

  1. Open a terminal and connect via ssh to the kvm-server node.

    ssh oracle@<ip_address_of_instance>
  2. Get a list of running VMs.

    sudo virsh list

    Example Output:

    [oracle@kvm-server ~]$ sudo virsh list
     Id   Name      State
     1    ol9-dev   running
  3. Get the IP address of the ol9-dev VM.

    sudo virsh net-dhcp-leases default

    Example Output:

    [oracle@kvm-server ~]$ sudo virsh net-dhcp-leases default
     Expiry Time           MAC address         Protocol   IP address           Hostname   Client ID or DUID
     2023-04-06 18:59:33   52:54:00:6e:93:07   ipv4   ol9-dev    01:52:54:00:6e:93:07
  4. Connect to the VM.

    ssh opc@$(sudo virsh -q domifaddr ol9-dev | awk '{print substr($4, 1, length($4)-3)}')

    The -q removes the header from the virsh commands output. The awk pulls the fourth column from the virsh domifaddr command, and the substr() strips the last three characters.

  5. Disconnect from the VM.


(Optional) Create Another Virtual Machine

The playbook allows the creation of another VM by changing the vm_name variable.

  1. Switch to the browser window containing the Oracle Linux Automation Manager WebUI and login if necessary.

  2. Click Templates in the navigation menu.

  3. Click the Edit Template icon for My Template.


  4. Add the variable vm_name with a value of ol9-new to the Variables section.


  5. Scroll down and click the Save button.

  6. Launch the template.

  7. Repeat the virtual machine verification steps and connect to the newly created VM.

Next Steps

The successful Oracle Linux Automation Manager job output and the ability to SSH into the virtual machine confirm everything works. Experiment further with the community.libvirt collection and creating virtual machines within Oracle Linux KVM to expand your infrastructure. Then, attempt to provision those virtual machines with additional playbooks. Check out our additional training at the Oracle Linux Training Station.

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