Manual Mode and How Canvases Synch

By default a canvas in Present matches its corresponding canvas in Visualize. However, when you use Manual Mode in Present, some of the adjustments you make cause the canvas to become out of synch with the corresponding canvas in Visualize.

See What Are Auto and Manual Modes in Present?.

In Present, a canvas that is out of synch with Visualize displays an asterisk that you can click to reset the Present canvas to match the Visualize canvas.
Asterisk icon indicated canvas with adjustments

Your Present canvas become out of synch when you're working in Manual Mode and:
  • You change filter values in the Present canvas.
  • You edit a visualization on a canvas that is already out of synch with its base canvas in Visualize.

Use the information in these tables to understand how the canvases in Visualize and canvases in Present synch, and how Auto Mode or Manual Mode determines how canvases synch.

This table explains how canvases synch between Visualize and Present.
Visualize Update Present Auto Mode Present Manual Mode
Add canvas Canvas is added to the presentation flow and is visible to the consumer. Canvas is added to presentation flow as hidden. The canvas isn't visible to the consumer.
Duplicate canvas Canvas is added to presentation flow and visible to the consumer. Canvas is added to presentation flow as hidden. The canvas isn't visible to the consumer.
Delete canvas Canvas is deleted. Canvas is deleted.

This table explains how visualizations synch between Visualize and Present.
Visualize Update Present Auto Mode Present Manual Mode
Add visualization Visualization is added to the canvas Visualization isn't added to the canvas if the canvas is out of synch with the Visualize canvas. Canvas displays an asterisk if its out of synch.
Duplicate visualization Visualization is duplicated to the canvas Visualization isn't duplicated to the canvas if the canvas is out of synch with the Visualize canvas. Canvas displays an asterisk if its out of synch.
Delete visualization Visualization is deleted. Visualization isn't deleted from the canvas if the canvas is out of synch with the Visualize canvas. Canvas displays an asterisk if its out of synch.

This table explains how workbook filters behave between Visualize and Present.
Visualize Update Present Auto Mode Present Manual Mode
Add workbook filters Filters are added as read-only. Filters are added. You can change filter values, which makes the canvas out of synch with the Visualize canvas.
Delete workbook filters Filers are deleted. Filters are deleted if the filter values aren't modified in the Present canvas. Filters aren't deleted if the filter values are modified.