What’s New for Oracle Analytics Desktop

Here’s an overview of the new features and enhancements we’ve added to improve your Oracle Analytics Desktop experience. It's organized by when a specific feature or enhancement became available.


For the latest Oracle Analytics news, product features and updates, customer and partner stories, and market insights, see https://blogs.oracle.com/analytics.

September 2024 (8.0)

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling

Feature Description
Bind parameters to request variables Bind a parameter to a request variable to temporarily set the request variable to the parameter's value for a specific workbook query. See Bind a Parameter to a Request Variable.
Convert workbook filters to dashboard filters Move and convert all unpinned workbook filters to dashboard filters to utilize the functionality, filter styles, and personalization options that dashboard filters provide. See Convert Workbook Filters to Dashboard Filters.
Create calculation-based groups more easily Create calculation-based groups in workbooks more easily without having to create expressions. See Create Group Calculations in a Workbook.
Create calculations more easily Include nested calculations more easily in the workbook expression builder. See Create Reusable Functions and Calculations in a Workbook.
Create parameters with derived dates Choose derived date columns such as Year, Quarter, and Month to create parameters for a date or datetime data type column. See About Parameter Properties.
Deploy static reference layers to maps Add static reference map layers to your map visualizations even when there's no business data related to these layers. For example, show a map of schools and overlay a tornado path map layer to identify buildings at risk. See Apply Reference Layers to Map Visualizations.
Display multiple legends in a workbook Use a legend visualization to group legends in one place, and improve the end-user experience when viewing data. See Create a Legend Visualization.
Select filter styles for dashboard filters Specify dashboard filter style and formatting to provide a better on canvas consumer filtering experience. See Change the Dashboard Filter Style.
Switch between auto and manual Present modes Easily locate the icon to switch between auto and manual modes in Present. Improved descriptions explain what happens when you switch between modes. See Switch Between Auto and Manual Modes in Present.

Data Connectivity, Modeling, and Preparation

Feature Description
Calculate duration more easily Calculate duration in workbooks more easily between two dates or timestamps in your dataset. For example, calculation duration in years, quarters, months, weeks and so on. See Transform Editor Reference.
Create more efficient workbooks Create more efficient workbooks by making the underlying dataset query performance more consistent. Set the Data Access Mode to Automatic Caching to take advantage of this feature.

July 2024 (7.9)

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling

Feature Description
Apply conditional formatting to totals and subtotals Apply conditional formatting to totals and subtotals in workbooks. See What Can I Do with Conditional Formatting?
Create canvases with enhanced layout Select multiple visualizations to display equally on a canvas. See Display Multiple Visualizations Equally on a Canvas.
Create improved Sankey visualizations Create improved Sankey diagrams to show resources, materials, and costs in workbooks. Use the Node Height Stretch property for enhancements such as node width adjustment, column height, placement and display of data labels and their font properties, and node gap ratio transparency. See Network Graphs.
Create precise relative time workbook filters Create precise relative time workbook filters by excluding partial periods. See Apply Relative Time Filters.
Deploy vector-based map backgrounds Analyze geographical data using the DataViz vector tiles map backgrounds, optimized for use in Data Visualization. See Use Different Map Backgrounds in a Workbook.
Get notified about filter personalizations Get notified when opening a workbook that has filter personalizations applied to it. See About Filter Personalizations.
Launch Data Actions in new ways Launch Data Actions in new ways using new launch options in workbooks. See Create Data Actions to Connect Canvases.

Augmented Analytics and Machine Learning

Feature Description
Review useful metadata AutoML models Review useful metadata about models generated by AutoML using the model inspector tab in workbooks. See What Are a Predictive Model's Related Datasets?

May 2024 (7.8)

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling

Feature Description
Bind a parameter to exclude filter values Bind a parameter to a workbook, dashboard, or visualization filter's Exclude property to pass excluded values between filters. See Create and Bind a Parameter to Exclude Filter Values.
Export content to Excel from embedded visualizations Export table and pivot table data in Microsoft Excel format from embedded workbooks. See Export a Visualization.
Design canvas layouts to control how visualizations display on different screen sizes Use the Responsive Canvas editor to design and optimize canvas layouts for the browser on different devices, for example mobile, tablet, or laptop. See Design Canvas Layouts for Different Screen Sizes.
Add an Inline List filter selector to dashboards Use the Inline List dashboard filter to allow users to select a single data value (radio buttons) or multiple data values (checkboxes). See About Dashboard Filters.

March 2024 (7.7)

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling

Feature Description
Add emojis and icons to more visualization types Enhance composite and tile visualizations with emojis and icons. See What Can I Do With Conditional Formatting?
Bind parameters to reference lines Bind a parameter to a reference line or reference band date value or range to place the visualization's reference line or band based on date values the user specifies. See Bind a Reference Line or Band to a Parameter.
Control how workbook consumers configure maps Control how workbook consumers can select shapes in map visualizations. See Apply Multiple Data Layers on a Single Map Visualization.
Display negative numbers in red Display data labels and tooltips containing negative numbers in red in visualizations. See Format Numeric Values of Visualizations.
Display reference lines in attribute columns Display reference lines in attribute columns in visualizations. See Add Reference Lines to Visualizations.
Bind parameters to relative time filters Bind a parameter to a relative time filter to dynamically update a visualization based on user input to relative time periods. See Create and Bind a Parameter to a Filter.
Bind parameters to Top/Bottom N filters Bind a parameter to a Top/Bottom N filter to dynamically update a visualization based on user input to top and bottom filter values. See Create and Bind a Parameter to a Filter.

Augmented Analytics and Machine Learning

Feature Description
Assess machine learning models using quality metrics Access machine learning models generated by AutoML using quality metrics accessed from a new Quality tab in the inspect model dialog. See Assess a Predictive Model's Quality.

January 2024 (7.6)

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling

Feature Description
Annotate workbook data with icons and emojis Annotate table and pivot table labels with icons and emojis based on conditional formatting rules in workbooks. See What Can I Do With Conditional Formatting?
Choose a parameter’s initial value from the list of available values Create a workbook parameter with a list of available values and then select the parameter’s initial value from a drop-down list of the available values. See About Parameter Properties.
Control zoom in workbooks Customize workbooks using Present for consumers to have zoom controls when viewing workbook content. See Show or Hide the Zoom Button for Consumers in Present
Draw reference lines for time based category columns Draw reference lines, format, and control the z-order of reference lines for date and date-time category columns in workbooks. See Add Reference Lines to Visualizations.
Export table data to Excel format Export formatted data from workbook tables or pivot tables to Excel. See Export Formatted Data from a Visualization to Excel.
Format colors in regions and point layers Select colors in workbooks for regions and point layers in map layer properties. See Apply Multiple Data Layers on a Single Map Visualization.
Format negative y-axis values View 100% stacked bar charts with a negative y-axis for negative values in workbooks. See Bar Graphs.
Format parameter values Format numeric parameter values based on the workbook user's locale. See About Parameter Properties.
Format the line thickness in maps Select the line thickness in a line map layer in workbooks. See Apply Multiple Data Layers on a Single Map Visualization.
Localize custom workbook details Localize custom user strings in workbooks such as workbook name, canvas name, visualization title, and custom labels. See Localize Data Visualization Workbook Captions.
Personalize workbook filter values Persist dashboard filter selections, visualization filters selections, and any visualizations with Use as Filter enabled when you reopen the workbook. Choose to revert personalized selections to the author-defined workbook. Turn off filter personalizations in the workbook’s presentation flow. See About Filter Personalizations and Specify Personalization Options in Present.
Specify workbook and canvas header toolbar options (No longer preview, on by default) Use Present to show or hide toolbar options such as export, refresh data, notes, undo and redo, and revert personalizations at the workbook level. Override the workbook toolbar options at the canvas level. See Select Workbook Toolbar Options in Present and Select Canvas Visualization Toolbar Options in Present.
Specify workbook and canvas visualization toolbar and menu options (No longer preview, on by default) Use Present to show or hide visualization toolbar and menu options at the workbook level, and override the visualization toolbar and menu settings at the canvas level. See Specify the Workbook Visualization Actions in Present and Specify Canvas Visualization Menu Options in Present.
Style maps more easily Style regions, points, and border lines in map visualizations display using default widths and colors if not customized by the user. See Enhance Visualizations with Map Backgrounds.
Use calculation columns for parameter available values Choose a calculated column from the workbook's My Calculation folder to provide the parameter's available values. See About Parameter Properties.

Data Connectivity, Modeling, and Preparation

Feature Description
Merge data tables by column name Merge data tables by column name in addition to the existing merge by column position when you use the Union Rows step in data flows for workbook data. See What Steps Can I Use to Organize and Integrate My Data?

November 2023 (7.5)

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling

Feature Description
Adjust the workbook filter bar Specify the workbook's filter bar options in Present. Choose to make filters read-only; hide the filter menu; or add, remove, or disable filters. See Specify Workbook Filter Options in Present.
Bind parameters to range filters Bind parameters to a range filter's start and end date values or minimum and maximum numeric values in workbooks. See Create and Bind a Parameter to a Filter.
Configure line properties and transparency in line, area, combo, and overlay charts. Configure line style, thickness, and transparency properties in line, area, combo, and overlay charts in workbooks. See Change the Pattern and Width of Lines in Graphs.
Create and manage watchlists as a consumer user Create and manage watchlists as a consumer user to provide easy access to your favorite workbook visualizations. See Set the Workbook Properties in Present, Set Canvas Properties in Present, and About Watchlists.
Create parameters for subject area double columns Use aliases and key values options to create parameters for double columns in workbooks. See Create and Bind a Parameter to a Double Column Type Filter and Create a Parameter that Uses a Logical SQL Query for a Double Column.
Format negative numbers in red more easily Use a single click to quickly change the display format of negative numbers to red in workbooks. See Format Numeric Values of Visualizations.
Format numbers with abbreviations in visualizations Use single letters to represent the abbreviation of large measure numbers in workbook visualizations. See Set Scale Options for Numbers and Currency Values .
Format pieces of maps Format pieces of map visualizations such as colors of borders and outlines, and widths of points, lines, and regions in workbooks. See Add an Outline to Points and Shapes on a Map.
Label tree maps and grid heatmaps Label tree maps and grid heatmaps in workbooks, with advanced properties. See Add Data Labels to a Map.
List box dashboard filter options Use the custom values, null selectors, and All values options to specify a list box dashboard filter’s selection options in workbooks. See About the Dashboard Filter.
Navigate canvases using top tabs Choose the Top Tab workbook navigation style in Present to add the canvas navigation control to the top of workbooks. See Specify the Workbook Canvas Navigation in Present.
Pass aliases in data actions Include aliases in parameters to send display values for each key value for target workbooks included in a data action. See About Parameter Properties.
Prompt dashboard users for filter values Specify if the user is required to select a value for a parameter used as a dashboard filter in workbooks. See Create and Bind a Parameter to a List Box Dashboard Filter.
Specify workbook and canvas header toolbar options Use Present to show or hide toolbar options such as export, refresh data, notes, undo and redo, and revert personalizations at the workbook level. Override the workbook toolbar options at the canvas level. See Select the Workbook Toolbar Options in Present and Select Canvas Visualization Toolbar Options in Present.
Specify workbook and canvas visualization toolbar and menu options Use Present to show or hide visualization toolbar and menu options at the workbook level, and override the visualization toolbar and menu settings at the canvas level. See Specify the Workbook Visualization Actions in Present and Specify Canvas Visualization Menu Options in Present.

Data Connectivity, Modeling, and Preparation

Feature Description
Aggregate text columns in data flows Aggregate text columns in data flows using various predefined delimiters. See What Steps Can I Use to Organize and Integrate My Data?.
Connect to Delta Share Use Delta Share as a data source for workbooks. See Supported Data Sources.
Connect to Google Analytics V4 Use Google Analytics V4 as a data source for workbooks. See Supported Data Sources.
Enrich your data from the visualize canvas Enrich your workbook data more easily by dragging data items based on knowledge enrichments onto the visualize canvas. In the data elements tree, look for an arrow indicating the availability of knowledge enrichments for each classified column. See Using Knowledge Enrichments in the Workbook Editor.

September 2023 (7.4)

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling
Feature Description
Add descriptions to tile visualizations Annotate tile visualizations with descriptions to guide workbook consumers. See About Visualization Properties.
Create data actions from tiles Create data actions directly from tile visualizations in workbooks.
Create data actions from measures on composite tiles Create data actions directly from measures on composite tile visualizations in workbooks.
Filter workbooks using a list box Use the List Box filter type in dashboard or visualization filters to provide a simplified list filter selection experience. See About the Dashboard Filter.
Locate invalid filters Quickly identify and understand any invalid filters in a workbook. An icon indicating an invalid filter is displayed and you can hover over it to learn why the filter is invalid and how to fix it.
Format dates and times for subject area items Format dates and times in subject area-based columns and calculations in workbooks. See About Visualization Properties.
Visually demarcate sections with line spacers Format canvases using line spacers in workbooks. See Filter and Other Visualization Types.
Curate compelling workbooks with Present enhancements Use Present enhancements to easily curate compelling user workbooks. See What Is a Presentation Flow?
Show details on geometries on maps Display descriptions or other information (such as metric and attribute values) on top of geometries on map visualizations in workbooks.
Control validation of parameter values in workbooks Specify whether to validate a parameter's initial and available values when saving the parameter and opening a workbook that uses the parameter. See About Parameter Properties.
Validate SQL statements for parameter values Validate and find any errors in the SQL statements used to populate a workbook parameter's available and initial values. See About Parameter Properties.
Select a data column for parameter values Choose a data column to populate a workbook parameter's available values. See About Parameter Properties.
Bind double-column parameters to double-column list filters Create a double-column parameter and bind it to a double-column list filter in a workbook. See Create and Bind a Parameter to a Double Column Type Filter.
Share workbook links with options including QR code Share workbooks using links with various options such as QR codes.

Data Connectivity, Modeling, and Preparation

Feature Description
Improve profiling of datasets based on local subject areas Improve profiling of datasets based on local subject areas with a simple Top N sample. See Data Profiles and Semantic Recommendations.

July 2023 (7.3)

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling

Feature Description
Bind parameters to list filters Bind a parameter to a workbook's list filter to pass a selected filter value to the parameter. Binding a parameter to a workbook's list filter enables content authors to dynamically accept, store, and manipulate the parameter’s stored values. See Bind a Parameter to a Filter.
Use data actions to pass parameter values bound to filters to external workbooks Enhance workbook navigation by passing parameter values bound to a list filter to a data action. See Use an Analytics Link Data Action to Pass Parameter Values.
Create parameters with a single click Use a single click in a workbook's list filter to create a parameter and bind it to the list filter. See Create and Bind a Parameter to a Filter.
Auto Apply setting for parameters on filter bars Specify if filter values selected from parameters on the filter bar are automatically applied to the workbook or if users need to manually apply them. See About Automatically Applied Filters.
Provide custom label names and set the selection mode Specify label names for filters in visualizations in workbooks and set the filter controls for either single or multiple selection. See Customize the Label of Visualization Filters, and Disable Multiple Select for Visualization List Filters.
Create data actions that use the PATCH method Create HTTP request data actions that use the PATCH method in workbooks. See Create HTTP Data Actions.
Display or hide the visualization toolbar

Show or hide the visualization toolbar in Present for workbook users when curating a dashboard experience. See Specify How Users Can Interact With a Canvas.

Include spark charts in tile visualizations

Configure spark charts in tile visualizations easily using a new grammar panel for workbooks. See Use Spark Charts to Examine Trends.

Data Connectivity, Modeling, and Preparation

Feature Description
Connect to an Oracle Analytics Views instance Use an Oracle Analytics View as a data source for workbooks. See Connect to Oracle Analytic Views.

May 2023 (7.2)

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling

Feature Description
Conditional (rule based) annotations Annotate data when it meets specified condition rules. See Add Conditional Formatting to Data.
Copy and paste grammar columns (accessibility) Copy and paste grammar columns more easily using keyboard shortcuts. See Accessibility Features and Tips for Oracle Analytics Cloud.
Custom labels for tile secondary measures Add a custom label to a tile visualization's secondary measures. See About Visualization Properties.
Enhanced data action rules Use data actions to provide filter context values to target workbooks. See Use Data Actions.
Enhanced scatter visualization properties Create more powerful scatter visualizations using custom color for points, point outline and border, transparency, and connecting related points. See Scatter Graphs.
Maps conditional formatting Highlight important data events in your map visualizations along with other visualization types. See What Can I Do With Conditional Formatting?
Parameter enhancements A parameter no longer requires an initial value, and can use the first possible data value as the initial value. Workbook authors can include a parameter on a tile visualization's secondary measure label. Use a Parameter in a Tile Visualization's Measure Label.

Data Connectivity, Modeling, and Preparation

Feature Description
Reorder columns in data flows Reorder columns when you prepare data using a data flow. See What Steps Can I Use to Organize and Integrate My Data?
Transform data using replace Enhance your data in the transform editor by entering replacement strings for multiple values with a single transform. See Transform Data Using Replace.

March 2023 (7.1)

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling

Feature Description
Conditional formatting - rule blending Blend rule styles. For example, allow one rule to color a cell and another rule to make the cell's font bold. See Add Conditional Formatting to Data.
Parameters for reusable values Create parameters in a workbook to use like variables to store and manage reusable values. You can use parameters as selectors that allow users to change their view of the data. You can also use parameters as controls, in a visualization's properties, in logical SQL expressions, expression filters, calculations, and in data actions and workbook navigation. See What Are Parameters? and Create a Parameter.
Show or hide the filter bar on dashboards When designing a dashboard in the workbook's Present page, you can chose to show or hide the filter bar in the dashboard. See Show or Hide the Filter Bar on the Dashboard.
Watchlists for easy access to content Provide targeted links to analytics content from the Home page more easily and effectively. See Create a Watchlist.

Data Connectivity, Modeling, and Preparation

Feature Description
Connect to MySQL Heatwave Create analytics content based on MySQL Heatwave databases. See Supported Data Sources.
Connect to Vertica Create analytics content based on Vertica databases. See Supported Data Sources.

Augmented Analytics and Machine Learning

Feature Description
AutoML mode in data flows Let Oracle Analytics create a prediction model for you using the AutoML capability in Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse. See Train a Predictive Model Using AutoML in Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse.

January 2023 (7.0)

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling

Featrue Description
Control data refresh overlays in visualizations Control how overlays are shown in visualizations using the Visualization Overlay property of workbooks. See Set Visualization Loading Overlay Opacity.
Display rows and columns of null values in pivot tables Control how rows and columns of null values are displayed in pivot tables. This is especially useful when the top member of a hierarchy has a null value in Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise Performance Management or Oracle Essbase. See About Visualization Properties.
Configure the grid spacing between visualizations on the canvas Configure the spacing of visualizations on the grid on the canvas. Use the Grid Guidelines property when the canvas is in Freeform mode. See Align visualizations Using Canvas Grid Guidelines.
Improved experience for the Grammar and Property panels Easily navigate on the Property panel, which is now adjacent to the Grammar panel on all workbooks. You see a message alerting you to the workbook being in authoring mode.
Improved Home page Easily navigate on the redesigned and styled Home page and take advantage of customization options.
Improved tile visualization Try the improved tile visualization that allows you to add metrics to the tile while providing the layout and positioning of labels and values of the primary and secondary measures. See Filter and Other Visualization Types.
Improved Explain experience and segmentation algorithm Try the improved user experience and enhanced algorithm supporting the Segmentation tab in Explain. Easily configure input for segmentation and export identified segments to use them directly on canvases. See Use Explain to Discover Data Insights.
Control bubble sizes on maps Use bubbles to represent dots on a map. Set a minimum and maximum size in pixels for these bubbles, to control how cluttered the map looks depending on its zoom level and the density of the dots. See Apply Multiple Data Layers on a Single Map Visualization.
Assign a map background to map layers Configure map backgrounds and layers to make it easier for workbook designers to build map visualizations. See Update Custom Map Layers.

November 2022 (6.9)

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling

Feature Description
Filter data using a slider Filter visualizations using a slider dashboard filter. You can visualize how your data changes interactively by selecting a measure value, or by playing through the measure automatically to display an animation. See Overview to Filtering and Animating Visualizations Using a Slider Dashboard Filter.
Control workbook filter interactions from the filter bar Control how all workbook filters interact from the workbook's filter bar. From the filter bar you can limit all related filters as specified for each filter, or turn off the limit by functionality. See Enable or Disable the Limit By Setting from the Filters Bar.
Customize the appearance of the workbook header bar Authors can show or hide the header bar, and customize the background and the text. Consumers can view the header bar configured by the author.
Thumbnails blurred to hide data Workbook thumbnails displayed on the home page are blurred to hide sensitive content. Content authors can hide the thumbnail for individual workbooks as required. See Set Workbook Thumbnails.

Data Connectivity, Modeling, and Preparation

Feature Description
Improved methodology of dataset semantic profiling Enhancements to the random sampling depth and methodology that drives augmented features such as quality insights and recommendations. See What are Quality Insights?.
Toggle sample data previews in metadata views Allow users to switch off sample data previews in Metadata view to improve their user experience when previews aren't required. See Configure Columns Properties in a Dataset.
Transform data with Convert to Date recommendations Transform unrecognized dates more easily using single-click Convert to Date recommendations. See Accept Enrichment Recommendations.

September 2022 (6.8)

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling

Feature Description

Add your own custom table headers

Add your own custom headers for tables and pivot tables. See About Visualization Properties.

Create composite card style tile visualizations

Create composite card style tile visualizations to include up to three measures, and define the layout and sizing properties of each measure. See Filter and Other Visualization Types.

Create personalized no-data messages

Create your own message to display when no data is found in a visualization. See Create a Custom Error Message for Visualizations with No Data.

Filter data more easily

Filter your data more easily using a new compact filter bar giving quick access to popular filters such as Top-Bottom N and Exclude or Include. See Filter Data in a Workbook.

Provide personalized tooltips for calculations

Provide additional information for My Calculations by entering a description for a calculation. The description displays in the tooltip of a calculation. See Create Calculated Data Elements in a Workbook.

Data Connectivity, Modeling, and Preparation

Feature Description

Convert data to AM and PM format more easily

Convert data to AM and PM format more easily in the dataset editor. See Convert Text Columns to Date or Time Columns.

Prepare data more quickly

Prepare your data immediately while Oracle Analytics Cloud profiles the data quality in the background. See About Data Enrichment and Transformation in Oracle Analytics.

Prepare multiple data columns more easily

Prepare multiple data columns at the same time in the dataset editor. See Configure Column Properties in a Dataset.

July 2022 (6.7)

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling
Feature Description

Overlay charts

Use overlays to build multi-layered visuals in serveral more chart types, such as stacked bar charts with line, area, and category. You can also control the transparency of each layer. See Bar Graphs.

Open workbooks in view mode

Workbooks open in view mode by default. You can use the Open as a Viewer property to change the workbook's default setting. See Configure a Workbook to Open in Edit Mode.

May 2022 (6.6)

Data Connectivity, Modeling, and Preparation

Feature Description

Add files to datasets with multiple tables

You can add files to datasets with multiple tables. When you create a dataset, you can add tables from relational sources, local subject areas, and files. Each new entity created in datasets can be based on any of these data sources. This enables you to add multiple files to one dataset where each file becomes a table and to define joins between tables within a dataset. See Create a Dataset from a File Uploaded from Your Computer.

Add files from Dropbox and Google Drive to datasets with multiple tables You can add files from Dropbox or Google Drive to a dataset with multiple tables. See Create a Dataset from a File Uploaded from Dropbox or Google Drive.

March 2022 (6.5)

Data Connectivity, Modeling, Preparation
Feature Description

Filter based on valid and invalid data in quality insights.

Quality Insights provides clear statistics about the validity of column values. Interact with the insight to filter column values based on their validity or invalidity. See Explore Your Data Using Quality Insights.

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling
Feature Description

Apply conditional formatting to performance tiles.

Define conditional formatting for performance tiles along with other visualization types. See Apply Conditional Formatting to a Visualization.

Provide authors fine-grain control on consumer options.

Authors have fine-grain controls in Present to set visualization actions for consumer interactions on the dashboard (for example Export, Copy Data, Drill, Sort, and Zoom).

Control the dashboard filter bar.

In the dashboard filter list box, use multiple filter options in the same control. Instead of putting six list boxes on the screen, manage a single filter bar with drop-down selections. See Create Dashboard Filters.

January 2022 (6.4)

Exploring, Dashboarding, and Storytelling

Feature Description

Redwood Design

Oracle Analytics fully adopts the new Oracle Design Concepts code-named Redwood. Product look and feel, as well as default colors and fonts will follow the Redwood guidelines created over years of research with close attention to usability and accessibility.

My Calculations Properties

Custom calculations in workbooks show similar properties to other measures.

Consumer Mode Navigation: Bottom Tabs

Authors have a new Bottom Tabs presentation style for curating the consumer navigation experience. Authors can select this style from the Presentation property panel.

Change Settings for Multiple Columns

Save time when changing settings for multiple columns. Multi-select columns in the Metadata view to change the Data Type, the Treat As setting, the aggregation type, and the hide setting for more than one column at once. See Configure Columns Properties in a Dataset.

Inner radius of a donut chart

In a donut chart, control the radius of the donut hole. See Pie and Treemap Graphs.

Augmented Analytics and Machine Learning

Feature Description

Streamlined Advanced Analytics capabilities for some sources

For some datasets such as Oracle EPM and Essbase, we've streamlined the user-interface for advanced analytics so that you won't produce unexpected results.

XGBoost and Neural Network Algorithms for Machine Learning

Register and apply XGBoost and Neural Network algorithms with Machine Learning.