Add New Computers

You can add a new computer to extend the cluster across multiple computers, increasing availability and capacity.


  • The new computer must meet the same prerequisites for installation (such as operating system and memory) as the primary computer.

  • SDD must have been set up.

  • ORACLE_HOME must be the same absolute path on both computers.

  • You must use the same JDK version on the new computer as used on the existing computers.

  • It's recommended, but not required, that the DOMAIN_HOME is the same on both computers.

  • A symmetric set of active-active components is created on the new computer.

  • The system must be stopped (offline).

  • You must have appropriate file system (offline) or Oracle WebLogic Server Administrator (online) permissions.

  • The same ports are allocated as on the primary computer.

  • The Managed Server is added to the existing cluster.

  • Cluster Controller, Scheduler, and BI Server control isn't changed.

  • Optional base computer and server parameters are provided to support the case where the primary server (bi_server1) has been deleted.

  • Unless provided, the name of the computer hosting Oracle WebLogic Server defaults to the listen address and must contain fewer than 32 characters.

Adding a new computer creates an additional Managed Server, Node Manager, system components, and services on the new computer.

  1. Shut down all services on the primary computer before running the clone script:
  2. On the primary computer, run the clone script:

    The script creates the JAR file containing the domain directory and updates the config.xml file on the new computer with the new computer name, Managed Server and system components.

    DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/|cmd [-m <new computer name>] <listen address> <Jar file>

    <new computer name> is optional and defaults to the listen address. However, if the listen address is longer than 32 characters, then use the -m command and <new computer name> to manually set a value that's less than 32 characters.

    The SSL certificate step is done for you in the script.

    For example:

    ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/bi/bitools/bin/ /oracle/nfs_shared/clone/demobi2.jar

  3. On the new computer, install Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Analytics Server.

    See About the Oracle Analytics Server Installation in Installing and Configuring Oracle Analytics Server.

  4. Test connectivity between the two computers.
  5. Copy the JAR file from the primary computer (with the Administration Server) to the new computer.
  6. On the new computer, apply the JAR file by running the unpack command.

    ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/ -template=[location of copied jar file from primary computer] –domain=DOMAIN_HOME -nodemanager_type=PerDomainNodeManager

    For example:

    /../../Oracle_Home/oracle_common/common/bin/ -template=/refresh/home/oracle/nfs_shared/clone/demobi2.jar -domain=/../../Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/bi -nodemanager_type=PerDomainNodeManager

  7. Start the following components:
    1. On the new computer: Start Node Manager and Managed Server (this is to create the config.xml file).

      For example:


      The system components for the new computer should remain down for now.

    2. On the primary computer: Start Node Manager, Administration Server, Managed Server, and system components.

      For example:

      /../../Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/bi/bitools/bin/ -i AdminServer,bi_server1,obis1,obips1,obiccs1,obijh1,obisch1,bi_server2


    If Node Manager is started on the new computer, then you start all other components using the same script from the primary computer in this order:
    • On the new computer:

      Node Manager for the new computer.

    • Node Manager for the primary computer.

      Administration Server.

      Managed Server for the primary computer.

      System components for the primary computer.

  8. Re-synchronize the data source on the new computer.

    On the new computer, run the following script:


  9. On the primary computer, start the new system components for the new computer:

    Change directory to DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/.


    ./ -i obis2,obips2,obiccs2,obijh2,obisch2 

    The scaled-out process is complete and all components should now be running.

    The Managed Server, Node Manager, and system components are created. Service instances are registered on the new computer, and ports are allocated.