Add System Components

You can add system components to a computer when the system is stopped (offline).


If SSL is configured, see Configuring SSL in Oracle Business Intelligence in Managing Security for Oracle Analytics Server.


  • You must have appropriate file system permissions.

  • Ports are allocated from a port range, unless otherwise specified.

  • Supported system component types are OBIPS (BI Presentation Server), OBICCS (Cluster Controller), OBIJH (BI JavaHost), and OBISCH (BI Scheduler).

    OBIS isn't scaled out because OBIS instances are managed as part of service instances.

    See About System Components.

  • You can only create two instances each of the component types OBICCS, OBISCH (one active, one passive). Therefore, if you must add an instance on another host, then you must first remove an existing instance.

  1. Start the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST).


  2. Select your domain using the readDomain(DOMAIN_HOME) command.

    For example on Linux:


    For example on Windows:


  3. Create the new Presentation Services system component(s) using an appropriate WLST command.

    All commands take a DOMAIN_HOME a machine name and an optional port specification.

    createOBIPSComponent(domainHome, machine, port=<portnumber>)

    Where machine is the WebLogic logical computer name (for example 'm1'). Use WLST or the WebLogic Admin Console (if running) to discover the logical machine name.

    For example on Linux:


    For example on Windows:


    Use these component commands.
    • createOBICCSComponent(domainHome, machine, port=None, portMonitor=None)

      Use this command to create a new cluster component.

    • createOBISCHComponent(domainHome, machine, port=None, portMonitor=None,portScript=None)

      Use this command to create a new scheduler component.

    • createOBIPSComponent(domainHome, machine, port=None)

      Use this command to create a new BI Presentation Server component.

    • createOBIJHComponent(domainHome, machine, port=None)

      Use this command to create a new JavaHost component

    • listBISystemComponents(domainHome)

      Use this commend to return an object listing all of the system components in the domain.

    • getBISystemComponents(domainHome, instanceId)

      Use this command to display system component details with a specified instanceID.

  4. Once the command completes successfully you must commit the changes using the updateDomain('DOMAIN_HOME') command.

    The WLST command is the same for all environments.

    For example:

  5. Close the domain using the closeDomain('DOMAIN_HOME') command.

    The WLST command is the same for all environments.

    For example:

  6. Start the new component in:


    For example, enter:



    If you make a mistake or decide to abandon the changes, you should use the closeDomain() command without using the updateDomain() command.

    The new component is created, new ports are allocated, and the new component is started.