Monitor Search Crawl Jobs

Administrators can check the last time content was indexed and monitor the status of crawl jobs. You can stop any crawl job that is running, cancel the next scheduled crawl before it starts, or rerun a failed crawl.

If users report search issues, check the status of crawls to ensure that they're current. After a crawl is completed, users might have to wait a few minutes before they can locate the latest content.
  1. In the Oracle Analytics Home page, click the Navigator, and then click Console.
  2. Click Search Index.
  3. Click Monitor Crawls.
    The Crawl Job Status page shows information about the past, current, and the next scheduled crawl. In the Progress column, XSA indicates a dataset.
  4. Look at the Status column to find out when the content was last crawled and when the next crawl is due.
  5. Click Cancel to stop a crawl job that is Running or Scheduled.
  6. To rerun a crawl with the status of Terminated or that displays progress totals of zero:
    1. Click the Configure Crawls link.
    2. In the Data Model tab, deselect and then reselect the Enable Data Model Crawl checkbox.
    3. Click Save.
    4. Click the Monitor Crawls link and locate the scheduled job. The revised crawl runs in a few minutes time.