Update Catalog Objects

If you apply an update to Oracle Analytics Server or install a patch and work with objects in the catalog, then you might notice that certain objects aren't being accessed as quickly as in the previous update.

This change can occur if objects aren't updated properly. You can confirm the need to update by viewing the metrics in Fusion Middleware Control. In the Catalog folder, find a metric called "Reads Needing Upgrade" with description "The number of objects read that required upgrading." If the number is large, then you can resolve this issue by updating objects in the catalog using the Administration page in Presentation Services.

You apply an update to Oracle Analytics Server by following the instructions in Migrating and Upgrading Oracle Analytics Server. Oracle recommends that you update when Presentation Services isn't running. If you suspect that the updating of objects wasn't performed thoroughly, then you can update the objects yourself using the Administration page. The advantage of this approach is that Presentation Services can stay up and running during the update.

Bear the following points in mind as you prepare to update objects:

  • If you're performing a rolling update of machines in a cluster, then don't use this option or the UpgradeAndExit configuration setting until all machines in the cluster are updated.

  • Use this option on only one node in a cluster at a time.

  1. In the global header, click Administration.
  2. Click the Scan and Update Catalog Objects That Require Updates link.
  3. Click Update Catalog Objects to begin the update process.

    Click the other links on the page to see which objects were updated and which weren't. You can view the log files for details on objects that weren't updated.