Configure Publisher for ActiveMQ

The scheduler is configured by default to use WebLogic JMS. The scheduler also supports ActiveMQ as an alternative JMS provider.

Use these guidelines with the ActiveMQ documentation to configure Publisher if you choose to use ActiveMQ as the JMS provider.

Install ActiveMQ

You can install Apache ActiveMQ version 5.2.0 or later in Windows, UNIX, or Linux.

Follow the installation steps documented in the ActiveMQ documentation.

Register ActiveMQ as a JNDI Service

Update the activemq.xml configuration file to register ActiveMQ as a JNDI Service.

When you start ActiveMQ, the queues can be accessed using JNDI service.

The default URL to access this service is:


To change this configuration, update the activemq.xml configuration file found in apache-activemq-x.x.x\conf for example: apache-activemq-5.2.0\conf.

Update the Publisher Scheduler Configuration Page

Open the Scheduler Configuration page from the Publisher Administration page.

  1. On the Publisher Administration page, under System Maintenance, click Scheduler Configuration.
  2. Under the JMS Configuration region, select ActiveMQ.
  3. Enter the ActiveMQ JNDI URL. For example: failover://tcp://localhost:61616.
  4. Enter the threads per processor (for example: 5).
  5. Enter the path to a shared temporary directory.
  6. Click Test JMS to test the connection.
  7. Click Apply to apply the changes to this page.

The ActiveMQ URL is dynamically applied. The queues and topics are automatically created in ActiveMQ and are ready for scheduling. You can confirm the queues by checking them in the Scheduler Diagnostics page. Alternatively, you can check the status in the ActiveMQ Web console: http://localhost:8161/admin.