DOCX Output Properties

The table below describes the properties that control DOCX output files.

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Enable change tracking

Set to "true" to enable change tracking in the output document.

false docx-track-changes

Protect document for tracked changes

Set to "true" to protect the document for tracked changes.

false docx-protect-document-for-tracked-changes

Default font

Use this property to define the font style and size in the output when no other font has been defined. This is particularly useful to control the sizing of empty table cells in generated reports. Enter the font name and size in the following format <FontName>:<size> for example: Arial:12. Note that the font you choose must be available to the processing engine at runtime.

Arial:12 docx-output-default-font

Open password

Use this property to specify the password that report users must provide to open any DOCX report.

NA docx-open-password