Integrate with Presentation Services

When you install the Oracle Analytics Server, integration with Publisher is automatically configured and "Server" and "Port" information remains uneditable. Furthermore, the username and password fields are hidden, because both products are configured to use Oracle Fusion Middleware security.

  1. From the Administration page, under Integration, click Presentation Services.
  2. Enter the following information about your Presentation Services server:
    • Server Protocol — Select http or https

    • Server Version — Select v10

    • Server — Enter the server host name. For example: BIEEServer

    • Port — Enter the port for the server where the Oracle BI Presentation Services plug-in is running. For example: 9502

    • Administrator Username and Password — These fields are hidden when you use Oracle Fusion Middleware Security.

    • URL Suffix — Default value is: analytics/saw.dll


      If your deployment is configured for SSO, then the suffix must be entered as analytics-ws/saw.dll to enable the Web services between Publisher and Presentation Services.

    • Session time out in minutes