Properties and Property Elements

This section describes the <properties> element and the <property> element.

<properties> Element

The structure of the <properties> element is shown below.

<properties locales="cdata">
   </property> [0..n]

Description of <properties> Element

The <properties> element defines a set of properties. You can specify the locales attribute to define locale-specific properties. Following is an example:

<!-- Properties for all locales -->
 ...Property definitions here...

<!--Korean specific properties-->
<properties locales="ko-KR">
 ...Korean-specific property definitions here...

<property> Element

The structure of the <type1> element is shown below.

<property name="cdata">

Attribute of <property> Element

The <property> element has a single attribute, name, which specifies the property name.

Description of <property> Element

Property is a name-value pair. Specify the internal property name (key) to the name attribute and the value to the element value.

The internal property names used in the configuration file are listed in the property descriptions in Define Runtime Configurations.

  <property name="system-temp-dir">d:\tmp</property>
  <property name="system-cache-page-size">50</property>
  <property name="pdf-replace-smart-quotes">false</property>