Security and Catalog Organization

Because permissions are granted in the catalog, it is very important to be aware of this design when creating roles for your organization and when structuring the catalog.

For example, assume that your organization requires the roles that are described in the table below.

Role Required Permissions

Sales Report Consumer

Needs to view and schedule Sales department reports.

Financial Report Consumer

Needs to view and schedule Financial department reports.

Executive Report Consumer

Needs to consume both Sales and Financial reports and executive level reports.

Sales Report Developer

Needs to create data models and reports for Sales department only.

Financials Report Developer

Needs to create data models and reports for Financials department only.

Layout Designer

Needs to design report layouts for all reports.

You might consider setting up the catalog structure as described in the table below.

Folder Contents

Sales Reports

All reports for Sales Report Consumer. Also contains any Sub Templates and Style Templates associated with Sales reports.

Sales Data Models

All data models for Sales reports.

Financials Reports

All reports for Financials Report Consumer. Also contains any Sub Templates and Style Templates associated with Financials reports.

Financials Data Models

All data models for Financials reports

Executive Reports

All executive-level reports and data models.

Set up the roles as follows:

Example Role Configuration

Sales Report Consumer:

Grant catalog permissions:

  • To the Sales Reports folder add the Sales Report Consumer and grant:


    Schedule Report

    Run Report Online

    View Report Online

    Select Apply permissions to items within this folder

  • To the Sales Data Models folder add the Sales Report Consumer and grant:


Grant Data Access:

On the Roles page, locate the role, then click Add Data Sources. Add all data sources used by Sales reports.

Financials Report Consumer

Grant catalog permissions:

  • To the Financials Reports folder add the Financials Report Consumer and grant:


    Schedule Report

    Run Report Online

    View Report Online

    Select Apply permissions to items within this folder

  • To the Financials Data Models folder add the Financials Report Consumer and grant:


Grant Data Access:

On the Roles page, locate the role, then click Add Data Sources. Add all data sources used by Financials reports.

Executive Report Consumer

Assign Roles:

On the Roles tab, assign the Executive Report Consumer the Sales Report Consumer and the Financials Report Consumer roles.

Grant catalog permissions:

  • To the Executive Reports folder add the Executive Report Consumer and grant:


    Schedule Report

    Run Report Online

    View Report Online

    Select Apply permissions to items within this folder

Grant Data Access:

On the Roles tab, locate the role, then click Add Data Sources. Add all data sources used by Executive reports.

Sales Report Developer

Assign Roles:

On the Roles tab, assign the Sales Report Developer the Publisher Developer Role and the Publisher Template Designer Role.

Grant Data Access:

On the Roles tab, locate the Sales Report Developer and click Add Data Sources. Add all data sources from which Sales data models are built.

Grant Catalog Permissions:

  • In the catalog, to the Sales Data Models folder add the Sales Report Developer and grant:

    Read, Write, Delete

  • To the Sales Reports folder, add the Sales Report Developer and grant:

    Read, Write, Delete

Financials Report Developer

Assign Roles:

On the Roles tab, assign the Financials Report Developer the Publisher Developer Role, and thePublisher Template Designer Role.

Grant Data Access:

On the Roles tab, locate the Financials Report Developer and click Add Data Sources. Add all data sources from which Financials data models are built.

Grant Catalog Permissions:

  • In the catalog, to the Financials Data Models folder add the Financials Report Developer and grant:

    Read, Write, Delete

  • To the Financials Reports folder, add the Financials Report Developer and grant:

    Read, Write, Delete

Layout Designer

Assign Roles:

On the Roles tab, assign the Layout Designer the Publisher Template Designer Role and the Publisher Developer Role.

Grant Catalog Permissions:

  • In the catalog, to the Financials Data Models and the Sales Data Models folders add the Layout Designer Role and grant:


  • To the Financials Reports and Sales Reports folders, add the Layout Designer and grant:

    Read, Write, Delete