About Collaborative Semantic Model Development

More than one developer can work on and deploy a semantic model. You can use Git repositories or permissions to allow and manage concurrent semantic model development.

Git repositories and permissions both ensure that you and other developers or teams of developers work on the latest version of the semantic model. You can also learn about the changes that other developers made to the semantic model.

These are the ways that you and your team can collaborate on a semantic model:

  • Git - Oracle recommends that you use Git in collaborative environments. Implement and use Git to allow the semantic model developers to create and work in branches to add, update, and commit the files on their individual development environments and then push the commits to the remote repository. To learn about how to use Git with semantic models, see About Using Git with Semantic Model Development.
  • Permissions - Use permissions to provide members of a small development team access to the semantic model. Permissions determine which roles and users can access and develop the semantic model. When you use permissions, only one developer at a time can work on the semantic model. See Use Permissions for Collaborative Semantic Model Development.