Create a Fact, Dimension, or Lookup Logical Table

Manually create a logical table when you can't drag and drop a table from the physical layer to the logical layer. For example, if a table you need doesn't exist in your physical schema, then you create a logical table manually.

When you create a table, you choose the table type:

Fact table - Contains measures. For example, revenue and cost.

Dimension table - Contain data to be analyzed by measures. For example, products and customers.

Lookup table - Contains multilingual data corresponding to rows in the base tables. For more information see What Is Multilingual Data Support?

After creating a logical table, you must add columns and logical table sources to it. And you must join it to other logical tables within the business model.

  1. On the Home page, click Navigator and then click Semantic Models.
  2. In the Semantic Models page, click a semantic model to open it.
  3. Click Logical Layer.
  4. In the Logical Layer pane click Create and then click Create Logical Table.
  5. In Create Logical Table, go to the Name field and enter a table name. Then go to Type and select the new table's type.
  6. Go to Business Model and select the business model to add the table to.
  7. Click OK.